Correction of nails

The procedure of building allows you to give the nails the desired shape and length in 1.5-2 hours, strengthen them and create a unique design. Over time, the appearance of an ideal manicure deteriorates, as own nail plates grow quite quickly. Therefore, regular correction of the nails is necessary, which is needed not only to improve the appearance of the manicure, but also to prevent the peeling of the artificial coating due to the penetration of air under it, the development of infections in the cuticle zone.

How is the correction of the newly developed nails done?

If you describe the procedure in brief, it includes replenishing modeling materials, renewing the coating, restoring the sealing and aesthetics of the nail plates.

Correction of the embossed on nail tips (acrylic technology):

  1. To reheat the overgrown tip with the reversible nozzle "drum", to process up to a thin substrate.
  2. With a 180 grit saw, cut the surface of the nail to completely smooth the transition from its own plate to the tip.
  3. Push the cuticle off with the scapula.
  4. Make a hardware manicure with a diamond nozzle.
  5. Degrease and disinfect nails, wipe dry with a napkin.
  6. At the bottom of the tip, apply a small amount of an acid-free primer.
  7. Using camouflage acrylic, lengthen the nail bed, forming it with a brush.
  8. Model apex and the area of ​​growth of the cuticle with a frosted-pink powder for manicure.
  9. Crimp the stress zone.
  10. Lock clamping with a clothespin.
  11. The free edge of the nail is modeled with white acrylic. It can be spread directly on 2 tips.
  12. The basis of a dense brush is to form free edges.
  13. Reversible nozzle "drum" filing the tip of the nail.
  14. Similarly, treat the longitudinal and inner arch.
  15. The apex zone and the cuticle should be sawed by means of the "corn" nozzle.
  16. In the "Step by Step" technique, cut the nail plates with a 100-grit file.
  17. With the help of the reversible nozzle "corn" polish the inner arch of the nail.
  18. The zone of hyponychia, where the skin comes into contact with the inner part of the nail plate, is treated with a carbide nozzle.
  19. The side parts and the top of the nails should be sawed with a 100 grit file, and the dust in the area of ​​skin dents should be removed with a diamond nozzle.
  20. The inner side of the free edges of tipes should be covered with a finishing gel without a sticky layer.
  21. Also cover the outer part of the nail with gel.
  22. Hold hands under the ultraviolet lamp for 2 minutes to complete the procedure.

This technique is also suitable for gel build-up. The amount of material used can vary depending on the design.

Is it possible to correct the nails at home?

Of course, it is better to entrust a manicure to a professional. The master will not only perform the procedure more qualitatively and quickly, but also assess the general condition of the plates and the skin around them, check the cuticle and peri-oral grooves for inflammation and damage, discern visually microcracks in the nails and immediately fill them.

Self-correction is allowed only in cases where the house has the necessary equipment and materials for the restoration of nail plates, as well as the necessary skills and experience.

How often does the correction of the newly developed nails?

The average rate of regrowth of own nails is 2 mm in 7 days. Accordingly, the restoration of the shape and appearance of the manicure is recommended to be performed at least once every 3 weeks.

It is important to remember that this value is individual for each woman, so it's only the owner of the manicure and her master who can determine how often to correct the nails.