Blanks from the turn

Many people are interested in what can be done from the turn to store vitamins for the winter. The easiest way to dry or freeze the berries, but not all have a roomy freezer that allows you to make blanks for the winter, and the drying process is quite long, so let's talk about other options.

Make jam

It is very easy to brew jam from the turn, for winter it is closed in jars and stored in a cool place.



My berries, trying to wash off the plaque, we cut the berries and take out the bones. We fall asleep with sugar and leave for about an hour. During this time, our turn will release the juice, and it will be possible to start cooking. We cook according to the vitamins preservation system in the maximum volume: 5 minutes boil, cool, boil again for 5 minutes, again let it cool down. When the jam is boiled for the third time, the jars should be ready. Sterilize them with hot steam and fill with jam.

Be sure to try the jam after the first brew. If it does not seem sweet enough to you (yet the turn is a very sour berry), add sugar. If the berry is rubbed through a sieve and the skins are removed, it is possible to weld jam from the turn for the winter, recipes and jam and jams may include other berries: aronia, blackberry, currant.

Compote is also delicious

If you go for a walk in the garden and stock up more apples, you can prepare an incredibly tasty and healthy compote of thorn and apples for the winter.



Billets from the thorn are better done with more sweet fruits or berries to soften its tart taste. At the compote, we leave the berries with bones, but we cut the apples with lobules, removing the middle with the seeds. In washed and sterilized over steam or rinsed with boiling water, we spread out the bottles of apples and thorns equally. In boiling water, pour sugar and cook for about 2 minutes. Fill syrup in a bottle, cover them with lids and leave for 15 minutes. We merge the syrup, boil it and pour it into the bottles again. Immediately roll. If you put a lot of fruits and berries and pour less water, the compote will turn out to be very concentrated and saturated, so if you cook from the turn for the winter such infusion, the sunsets will take less space in the pantry or cellar.

Seasonings from thorn

From this wonderful berry you can cook not only sweet canned food, but also sauces. Example, adzhika from the turn, it is also rolled for the winter, the recipes can be different, we will give the most simple.



From berries we take out stones, we wipe them through a sieve to remove a skin. We clean the pepper (seeds and septals are thrown away), my peppers and tomatoes. Melem them in mush, using a meat grinder or a blender. Mix the turn, tomatoes and pepper, put it in the cauldron, add sugar, salt, chopped garlic (you can squeeze it through the press) and cook the ajika on low heat, remembering to stir it, so as not to burn. After half an hour, remove the sample and add any mixture of spices (ground pepper, coriander, dried herbs). If the sauce is not sharp enough, you can put a couple more cloves of garlic. After another quarter of an hour, pour in the vinegar, wait a minute or two and roll it into sterilized jars. If you use a plum instead of tomatoes, you can prepare the tkemali sauce from the turn (the recipe is the same) and roll for the winter.