Fried boletus

In conditions of a constant rise in price of food products, fungi become an invaluable source of natural protein. They can be collected independently, but even with a purchase in the store, these gifts of the forest will be much cheaper than meat or poultry.

Fried boletus with potatoes

In many families, meat and potatoes are a traditional dish. But if you do not have the opportunity to buy chicken or beef or just want to diversify your diet, such a recipe for roasted boletus is desirable to have at your fingertips.



Wash mushrooms thoroughly in cold water, but do not keep them for more than a couple of minutes. Cut the boletus into large pieces, pour water into the pan to a level of about two-thirds of its volume and bring it to a boil. Then dip mushrooms there and boil them for about 4-5 minutes. Throw the boletus in a colander and place them in a frying pan with well-heated sunflower oil. Make a minimal fire and fry the mushrooms for about 20 minutes. Onions fry separately in another pan until a pleasantly golden hue. Cut potatoes into small pieces of medium size, mix with toasted onion and put them to mushrooms. Stew the dish for about half an hour.

Fried boletus with sour cream

If you are considering how to prepare fried mushrooms in the boletus in such a way that your relatives or guests have repeatedly asked you to surprise them with such a delicious dish, try to master this simple recipe.



Wash and clean the mushrooms. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into thin slices. Salt, sprinkle with pepper and add spices as desired. Approximately 10 minutes fry the potatoes in sunflower oil, stirring it constantly, until they get a light golden hue. Then transfer it from the pan to the bowl and fry the boletus and chanterelles until they become soft enough (about 15-20 minutes). After that, add sliced ​​champignons, pour all sour cream, sprinkle with spices and finely chopped herbs and stew until cooked. For the preparation of roasted boletus, mixed with other mushrooms, in this case it will take 40 minutes. At the end, the mushrooms are mixed with potatoes.

Fried boletus with onion

Mushrooms in themselves have a fairly neutral taste. But if you are a fan of sharper dishes, this recipe deserves special attention. Onions will make your snack more spicy and refined. In addition, it helps to increase immunity.



Clean the hats of the boletus and wipe them with a well-moistened cloth - this will give you an appetizing ruddy crust when roasting. Cut the mushrooms large enough slices (small hats can not be touched at all). Fold the mushrooms in a plastic bag, fill in the flour, close it and shake well a few times. Then place mushrooms in a frying pan with well-heated oil and fry about 15 minutes before browning. Separately fry the onion, sliced ​​in rings of medium size, until transparent. Then mix onion with mushrooms, salt, pour sour cream and on the minimum possible fire, stew for about 10 minutes, without removing the lid. In the end, fried apricots with onions and sour cream are sprinkled with finely chopped greens.