Cellulite on the legs and the pope - how to get rid?

In 1973, the owner of a large network of beauty salons in New York needed to increase the flow of clients because of the decline in demand for services. Therefore, Nicole Rosner agreed with the editor of the cult magazine Vogue on the release, as it turned out, of a revolutionary article in the field of cosmetology. After reading it, absolutely all women have acquired a new, previously unknown, problem.

Today every representative of the weaker sex is interested in cellulite on the legs and in the pope - how to get rid of this defect in the shortest possible time, eliminate the factors that provoke it, prevent future occurrences.

Causes of light cellulitis on the pope and legs

In medicine, the condition of the skin in question is called lipodystrophy, and it is not considered a pathology.

In fact, cellulite is a completely natural phenomenon that accompanies the sexual maturation of a woman. In women, the skin on the hips, buttocks and stomach is thinner than in men. At the same time, subcutaneous tissue is initially adapted to accumulate fatty deposits. They are necessary to protect the female body from cold and other unfavorable factors during the bearing of the child. As the aging and aging of the metabolism deteriorates, not only fat but also toxins and liquid accumulate in the cellulose, since their normal outflow is difficult. This manifests itself in the form of small puffiness, loss of skin elasticity. When squeezing and squeezing some of its areas, the effect of the "orange peel" (1-2 stages of cellulite ) is observed.

The described condition is quite normal and should not be an occasion for the development of complexes or endless attempts to get rid of cellulite.

Another thing is if there is a 3-4 stage of the described defect: visually noticeable and easily palpable knobs and nodules on the skin, the appearance of bruises from minor bruises, tenderness in palpation, and a decrease in local temperature.

Why does strong cellulite develop on the pope and legs?

Severe forms of lipodystrophy are presumably due to hormonal disorders, although the exact cause is unknown. Also, the appearance of pronounced cellulite has the following factors:

How to quickly get rid of cellulite on the legs?

Unfortunately, there are no express methods for eliminating the "orange peel". Cellulitis 1 and 2 stages of treatment do not need to, as already mentioned, this is normal.

If lipodystrophy is strong and it is exactly a disease of subcutaneous fat, and not a cosmetic defect, there is a long and stubborn struggle.

To get started, you need:

  1. Balance the food.
  2. Refuse to drink alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoking.
  3. Correct the mode of activity and rest.
  4. Normalize the state of the nervous system.
  5. Keep within a comfortable weight.

Given that cellulite usually indicates hormonal disorders, it is required to visit a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, to pass the appropriate tests to ensure that specialists have prescribed adequate therapy.

In addition, attention should be paid to external procedures from lipodystrophy. The most effective massage is from cellulitis on the legs and the pope, which contributes to the improvement of drainage properties of the subcutaneous tissue, blood circulation, mechanical breaking of dense lumps of adipose tissue. It can be done both by a professional and independently, using various devices - brushes, roller massagers, mittens, jars and other accessories. Increase the effectiveness of the procedure is easy if you apply the skin, previously lubricated with citrus essential oil or a special warming cream.

Also from the cellulitis on the legs and the priest is recommended running and other sports:

Aerobic loads accelerate blood flow and stimulate metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the functions of subcutaneous tissue, contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

Additional ways to combat lipodystrophy: