Peeling for the feet

For any modern woman, cosmetic procedures are very important. One of the most important areas requiring care is the feet. Today there is a huge selection of salons in which your legs can become more attractive and gain lightness and grace thanks to a pedicure, massage and other procedures.

Peeling of the feet

One of the main such procedures is a foot peeling. After all, when your feet are healthy, and the skin on them is soft and clean, you do not feel tired after a day's work and flutter like a butterfly.

However, it is not necessary to waste time and money on trips to the salons. If you have the desire and patience, you can do exfoliation for your legs and yourself at home. Moreover, there are many ways to produce it, and most of them only seem clever at first glance.

Foot peeling - socks

This method is also called liquid foot peeling. The essence of this method is that the gel, which is filled with socks, has a softening effect on the skin. Active components of the gel are various acids. They help to peel off the horny layer of the skin, which is then very easily removed with the help of pumice stone.

Acid peeling for feet

It differs from socks only in the manner of carrying out. Usually for this purpose we use napkins already impregnated with acids. Napkins are put on their feet and wrapped in film. After the required time, remove the used materials from the foot and remove the exfoliated pieces of skin with a special spatula. The choice of manufacturers of such cosmetics is huge today. The most common are Chinese and Japanese foot peeling.

Mask-peeling for feet

Masks for peeling can both be bought ready-made, and cook at home. For home masks in various combinations, the following components are used:

This mask-scrub better to prepare fresh immediately before each procedure of peeling in small amounts, so as not to be superfluous. Legs before applying the mask better warm in warm water, but do not steam out strongly, so that the skin does not become too sensitive. Then apply a scrub to the damp skin and massage it gently. To finish the procedure, just rinse your feet and wipe dry.

Mechanical peeling for feet

Another type of peeling at home. In order to produce it, you need to slightly steam up your legs, and then use pumice and nail files to clean the skin of the keratinized cells. It is important not to overdo it, not to remove the extra layer of skin and not to break its integrity. The effect of such a peeling will be the same as that of the previous species. Its plus is that it is absolutely free, although it requires more physical activity. This method of peeling is perhaps the most economical and available of all existing for today.

Peeling of feet with small fishes

This is a famous and very popular way of peeling. For him, Harra Ruff's specially grown fish are used. They do not have teeth, but they excrete a specific enzyme that softens the skin, which is then nipped off with the lips. This peeling is absolutely painless and does not do any harm, since the fish can not bite the skin and are not carriers of dangerous to human infections.

Apparently, there are enough ways to give your legs pleasure. So do not be lazy and pamper them a little. They will surely answer you in return, give you lightness and give you confidence.