Why do you have skin on your feet?

Such a phenomenon as dryness and scaling of the skin on the soles of the feet is quite common. The aggravation of the situation can lead to even more trouble - the appearance of cracks and bleeding. Let's try to figure out why the skin on the soles of the feet may be lying, and what can be done to bring the skin of the legs into a normal state.

The skin on the soles of the feet will cause

Here are the most common factors why skin on the soles of the feet:

  1. Insufficient moisturizing of the skin often leads to the fact that the skin on the feet begins to heavily cover. With this phenomenon, it is especially often encountered in a hot period, when the body is in need of a large amount of fluid.
  2. Fungal infection of the skin of the feet is also a common cause of skin peeling on the feet. In this case, additional symptoms are itching, the presence of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Wearing a closed, narrow, non-natural footwear, synthetic socks or tights, resulting in a violation of cutaneous respiration and, as a result, skin peeling.
  4. The lack of vitamins and trace elements - in this case, except that the skin on the soles of the feet begins to cloud, skin peeling on other parts of the body, fragility of the nails, hair loss, etc. can be observed.
  5. Long exposure to foot moisture, chemicals, ultraviolet, hard and chlorinated water also adversely affects the condition of the skin.

What should I do if my feet get covered in the feet?

To eliminate the peeling and peeling of the skin on the soles, and also to maintain it in a well-maintained condition, the following recommendations should be used:

  1. Every day you need to treat the skin with a pumice stone or a special brush to remove the dead cells.
  2. It is necessary to moisturize and saturate the skin with nutrients, daily using a foot cream.
  3. Skin is useful for the skin of warm (not hot) herbal baths with the addition of baking soda, lemon juice or vinegar (1 dining room spoon per liter of water). For the preparation of trays, you can use chamomile, nettle, calendula and other herbs.
  4. After water treatment, feet should be thoroughly wiped with a towel.
  5. Do not wear the same pair of shoes every day to let it dry out. It is also recommended to avoid tight and uncomfortable shoes, synthetic socks.
  6. It is necessary to use a sufficient amount of fluid, to maintain a balanced diet.

If you follow all the recommendations, the problem does not recede, you should consult a dermatologist.