Cosmetic paraffin

Paraffin therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method that is widely used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, skin diseases, injuries, pathologies of internal organs, etc. Also this method is used in cosmetology, for which a special highly purified cosmetic paraffin is used, the melting point of which is about 50-60 ° C.

Indications for use of cosmetic paraffin and its properties

Cosmetic paraffin, the procedure that is offered in many beauty salons today, does not contain any harmful substances and dyes. On the contrary, it is often enriched with various vegetable oils, extracts, vitamins, as well as other nutritional, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components. Cosmetic paraffin is used for the face, hands, legs, whole body. It is recommended to use it for:

As a result of the application of cosmetic paraffin, the following effect is observed:

Cosmetic paraffin in the home

Paraffinotherapy can also be carried out independently, buying cosmetic paraffin in a pharmacy or a specialized store. However, it is nevertheless desirable to have an assistant during the procedure, since it is necessary to apply paraffin very quickly.

Before the procedure, the paraffin should be melted by means of a water bath. On one procedure for the face or hands it takes about 50-100 g of funds.

How to use for face:

  1. Apply liquid paraffin with a thin layer of a brush on the cleansed face, avoiding the area of ​​the eyes and lips, on which you should put wadded disks.
  2. Cover your face with a gauze napkin with holes for your eyes, mouth and nose, and apply 3-5 layers of paraffin on top. Top with polyethylene with holes for breathing.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, remove paraffin, use a nutritious or moisturizing cream .
  4. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week (course - 10 procedures).

Method of use for hands:

  1. Cleaned hands several times in a container with molten paraffin.
  2. Cover the hand skin with polyethylene and warm mittens.
  3. After half an hour to remove paraffin, use a hand cream.
  4. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.