How to visually reduce the nose?

In the age of ideal persons on the glossy pages for a woman, an ideal was created, to which she aspires to conform. Of course, this is not easy, because the stars can easily be solved for a plastic surgery, realizing that they actually earn money by their face. But how to be ordinary women who do not want to risk their health for the sake of ideal forms?

To help, as always in these matters, comes makeup.

Rhinoplasty or makeup?

It is believed that rhinoplasty is done most often - it so happens that nature has rewarded many people, both men and women, with non-ideal noses. This is the most prominent part of the face that catches your eye immediately.

For those who are already halfway to the plastic surgeon we will inform that after some time the ideal forms can completely go out of fashion, like excessively filled with Botox lips, for example. At fashion shows, makeup artists try to emphasize the features of the face models - snub nose, asymmetrical lips, sloppy eyebrows, etc. This is due to the fact that in bohemian circles "too many people with the same lips, noses, eyes and cheekbones" accumulated "- overnight models hastened to eliminate their shortcomings by contacting surgeons, and they did not make a personality out of the face, but a template.

In addition, a very important moment - the vast majority of great and brilliant people had a big nose. This did not stop them, and perhaps even helped them to occupy a high social position. Subconsciously large parts of the face are more attractive than small and minor ones.

Therefore, take your time with an imperfect nose to the surgeon - try to correct the defects with the help of makeup. Of course, to expect that he will do miracles is not worth it, especially if it is a long nose. A wide nose is easier to fix.

How to reduce the nose without surgery?

Today you can meet a lot of stories about how to reduce the nose with make-up, and, by the way, not all of them can be trusted. Having paid too much attention to nose correction can be overdone, and the effect will turn out the opposite.

The main task is to correctly fit the nose into the facial features. To do this, you need:

Reduce the wide nose

Visually narrow the wide nose is very simple:

  1. We take a wide brush with a flat base.
  2. We lower the brush to the corrector, and then we remove the remainders, staining the hand to prevent the saturation of the correction.
  3. Now we proceed to correction - we draw an even line from the beginning of the eyebrow, dropping to the tip of the nose along the side.
  4. The same movement is repeated on the other side.
  5. "Closing" the drawing with a horizontal line on the tip of the nose, so as not to fix a wide nose in a long one.

How to reduce the long nose at home?

Now we learn how to adjust the long nose. For the scenic situation, dark shades of the liquid corrector are used, and for everyday life it is necessary to stop the choice on the more light powder proofers:

  1. We darken the tip of the nose on both sides, with a rounding on the sides. In fact, you have to darken the protruding cartilage of the nose, repeating their traits with a dark proofreader. This should be done, leaving a thin line in the center for correcting the length of the nose. The lateral parts of the nose are also toned, if they are wide - this visually narrows the nose. Apply the corrector to the protruding sections.
  2. Using a thin brush, apply a highlighter line in the center of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the middle.
  3. Now smooth out the contrast with the help of powder after the makeup of the eyes, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones is done.
  4. As a result, after application of powder and darkening, the nose acquires a more elegant form - it achieves through a combination of light and dark accents.

How to visually reduce the nose with accent?

Also, in makeup to achieve a visual reduction of the nose, one should not forget about distracting accents - bright eyes or lips will help to shift all attention to oneself.

How can you reduce the nose with your lips?

If the nose has a wide bridge of nose, then in this case it is better to focus on the lips, the lower part of the face. Use for this purpose a bright shine and lipstick .

How does the make-up of the eyes reduce the nose?

If the nose is long, then it is better to accentuate the eyes - the upper part of the face will attract attention and the long or uneven tip will fade against the general background.