Meditation for relaxation of the psyche

Many people in their lives have faced a situation where there is simply no strength for anything, one wants to escape somewhere and hide from everyone. All the blame for the frantic daily rhythm and the numerous stresses that literally occur at every step. Meditation for relaxation of the psyche is a great way to cope with such a state and return to a normal quiet life. In addition, regular practice helps to become more restrained in life and does not react so much to trials.

What does meditation provide for relaxation?

Many people to relax choose a sofa near the TV, but in fact there are more effective and pleasant ways, getting rid of the negative accumulated for the day. To date, there are many techniques that are aimed at relaxing and calming both physical and mental states, for example, yoga , qigong, etc. Meditation for relaxation and stress relief can easily cope with depression and anger, and yet it allows a significant to reduce the risk of problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system. It starts with 20 minutes, and then, if you want, you can increase the time.

How to meditate to relax the body and mind?

Deep breathing is considered the easiest and most effective way to relax. Being in a stressful situation, a person begins to breathe more often and the body simply does not have enough oxygen. Here are some simple exercises that will help to cope with this problem:

  1. Slowly inhale and exhale through the nose for 4 counts. This exercise is great when it's difficult to fall asleep.
  2. With each exhalation you need to deliberately relax the shoulders and upper muscles of the chest. In this way, the diaphragm begins to participate in the breathing.
  3. The next exercise is taken from yoga. Men need to close the right nostril with the thumb of their right hand and take a deep breath through the left nostril, and women should do the opposite. At the maximum inhalation, close the left nostril with a ring finger to the men and the right finger to the women, and exhale.

To achieve the desired result, you must initially meditate daily, and after a number of sessions can be reduced to two times a week.

Meditation for complete relaxation

There are many different practices that allow you to achieve the desired goal, we suggest that you focus on one of them in detail. It is convenient to settle in a quiet place, where nothing will be distracting. It is best to sit, it is important that the back is flat. You should choose for yourself a certain point of concentration , it can be some inner sensation, a memory or any object, for example, the flame of a candle. In the head there should be no thoughts, only the chosen point, which should carry in itself a calming energy. To make it easier to relax, you can turn on a quiet quiet music. If you have chosen some image, for example, a sea beach, then you need to imagine everything to the smallest detail: warm sand, a gentle breeze, refreshing waves, rolling to the feet, etc. Meditation should last at least 15 minutes.

Meditation for sleep and relaxation "Awareness of the body"

This practice is very easy, but it is worth considering that many after it immediately fall asleep, so you need to do it at home. Arrange in a comfortable position. You need to start breathing deeply and feel the tension go away from the body. The next step is to concentrate on your fingertips, it is important to feel how energy, thanks to the breathing, fills every finger. When this point is full relaxation, you need to move to the knees, then hands, spine and so on, until the energy reaches the crown. By this time the body should be as relaxed as possible, and the mind calm. After that, another 10 minutes is recommended. to lie down.