Crown on tooth - how to choose and put a permanent prosthesis?

Any crown on the tooth is a non-removable type of prosthesis, replacing the visible part of the tooth. If we consider the appearance of the structure, it resembles a cap that is made by a specialist, after a pre-made impression and X-ray pictures, if necessary.

When you need a crown on the tooth?

The question when it is appropriate to use dental crowns, I ask basically those patients who are offered to use this design. The main indications for the use of dental crowns are:

What are dental crowns?

Modern types of dental crowns can be made from various materials. It is worth considering them to learn about the features of their use, advantages and disadvantages. Another important moment for making a decision is information about what designs modern dentistry offers to be able to choose the ideal option for each specific case.

Types of dental crowns by design

Dental crowns differ in design, depending on their use, the need and the possibility in each case. Among the most popular designs are:

  1. Complete. Replace the entire visible part of the tooth.
  2. Kultevye. In-depth version, replacing the missing natural crown.
  3. Equatorial. Applied to the splinting.
  4. Half-Crown. Closing the visible part of the tooth, with the exception of the lingual surface.
  5. With a pin. Used in the absence of the visible part of the tooth.
  6. Telescopic. Such crowns make it possible to adjust its height on the tooth after installation.

Material of dental crowns

From the material from which the crowns are made, depends not only the durability of the structure, but also the appearance.

  1. Plastic crowns. This kind of use for the most part, as a temporary option. If financial opportunities are limited, then they are used as permanent ones. Such crowns are not strong and wear out quickly, however, they have a good appearance.
  2. Metal crowns. This is the oldest version, but it is used everywhere nowadays. They are made of gold, platinum, stainless steel, titanium alloys. Their main advantage is a low price. They are strong and able to withstand heavy loads, but as for the appearance, then they are inferior to all other options.
  3. Metal ceramic crown. This kind of reliable, aesthetic and is the average option between metal and ceramic products. Such a crown for any tooth is made of metal, topped with ceramics. Minus this option in the possibility of translucent frame, however, for example, modern tooth crowns made of zirconium solve this problem.
  4. Ceramic crown per tooth. This option is the most expensive, but also the most aesthetic of all presented. This material has the best biocompatibility and provides the possibility of creating a prosthesis, which is almost impossible to distinguish from a real tooth. Less design in the undesirable use as chewing teeth.

Crowns on the teeth - which is better?

The question which crowns are better to use is natural, because it is not always possible to install one or another option. In this matter, it is important to obtain exhaustive information from a specialist who will help to choose the option that is ideally suited for each specific case. In addition, the important point in choosing a design and material is the location of the planned prosthesis.

Crowns on the front teeth

As you know, to the front teeth include fangs and incisors. The question of which crowns on the teeth, which are at the front, are best suited, should be considered more on the part of their aesthetics, because the load on these teeth is small. For prosthetics of the front teeth, crowns are best, without the use of metals, or cermet, based on precious metals. A significant disadvantage of such prosthetics is the high cost of the product and work.

Crowns for chewing teeth

Due to the fact that chewing teeth do not fall into the smile zone, an important aspect in choosing a material is its strength and ability to withstand heavy loads. The best crowns for chewing teeth are those that are made of zirconia and are ideal for allergic to metals. Among other options can be used crowns of cermets, it is possible with the use of non-precious metals.

How to put a crown on the tooth?

To put the crown on the tooth, a certain sequence of actions is performed, consisting of the preparation of the tooth, the manufacture of the crown and its installation, which is preceded by the use of a temporary option. Each stage requires scrupulousness and care, otherwise the design will not be distinguished by the durability and comfort of wearing. Information about the installation of the crowns will help patients prepare themselves psychologically and understand what is happening at this or that stage.

Dissection of teeth for crowns

Before installing the prosthesis it is necessary to prepare a tooth for the crown. This is necessary in order to:

The preparation process is similar in preparation for all kinds of crowns. A number of tooth enamel and dentine are ground. Often, this procedure is carried out with local anesthesia, but there are a number of cases when the general is also recommended. The main indications for its use are:

Temporary crowns

Dissection of teeth under the crown destroys the protective enamel, therefore there is a big risk of development of pathogenic bacteria. In order to protect the prepared tooth, use temporary crowns . Another reason for installing such a crown on the tooth is a hypersensitivity to high or low temperature food and liquids. Dissected teeth look, to put it mildly, unattractive, so a temporary crown on the tooth will help feel fully in dealing with people.

Installing the crown on the tooth

After the preparation of the teeth, proceed to the actions preceding the prosthesis. Installation of crowns requires preliminary preparation of both the tooth and the prosthesis itself. We have already discussed the preparation, so we proceed to the description of the following actions.

  1. The specialist removes the cast and makes a model of teeth from gypsum.
  2. According to these samples, crowns are made in the technical laboratory. Before, a temporary variant is produced.
  3. Unfinished crowns try on, if necessary, make changes to the work and ensure an ideal fit.
  4. Finished crowns are temporarily fixed to look at the behavior of the teeth below them and to avoid disruption in the closing of the crown and tooth.
  5. After a time (2-4 weeks), the crowns are finally fixed with a special cement.

The tooth is hurt under the crown - what should I do?

Such complaints are very common, so first of all it is necessary to find out the reasons for such morbidity. If the tooth is hurt under the crown, the reasons can be several and the most common ones are:

When you have pain under the crown, you should immediately contact your doctor, preferably, who performed prosthetics. If the pain is very severe, then it is recommended to take painkillers for choice:

Many people are interested in the question of how an expert will treat a sick tooth under a crown. There are several treatment scenarios, depending on the reasons that we considered above.

  1. Improper manufacture of the crown. I'll have to remove the crown, get rid of the problems that have arisen and wait for the new prosthesis to be made.
  2. Inflammation of pulp. In this case, the crown is removed and the root canals are again cleaned and sealed.
  3. Inadequate treatment of canals. This is the most difficult case, because the treatment of the root canals is a very difficult process. It is necessary to remove the crown, to dissolve the channels, to make the necessary treatment until complete recovery and only then to re-perform the procedure for installing the crown on the tooth.