Torenia - growing out of seeds

A beautiful flowering flower was brought to us from Vietnam. At home, it grows in a warm and humid climate, in rich soil, so these conditions will have to be recreated as close as possible in the house. Many fans of flowers are interested in the question of how to grow a torrent from seeds, this topic will try to disclose in this article.

Sowing the Fertilization

Before sowing, it is necessary to buy or independently make a suitable substrate for the composition. We will consider a variant with its own hand-made preparation. To do this, you need a little vermiculite, hydrogel and fertile clay soil. The soil is previously sterilized (this requires a weak solution of potassium permanganate), then mix it with a small amount of hydrogel (20-30 granules), preferably, they lie closer to the surface. Moisten the soil, we sow seeds on top of it, and then sprinkle a thin layer of vermiculite. From above, it is necessary to pull the film (it is best to wrap food). The best time for sowing is the beginning of March, the sprouts will have to wait a short time, only 10 days. In rare cases, the seeds germinate for 21 days. Now let's talk about the necessary temperature. Since the plant is thermophilic, it is optimal to maintain it in the region of 25 degrees, but not higher. And now a miracle, there were long-awaited shoots, what to do next?

Care of young skin

In the "infantile" age (2-3 weeks), it is necessary not to pour the flow, but to spray. This is suitable for a conventional nebulizer, but you should be careful, because the plant is very tender. After the plant has a third real leaflet, you can proceed with its transplantation into a small peat pot. The composition of the soil remains the same, but now it is mixed with vermiculite (1 part vermiculite per 5 parts soil). It is desirable to add a hydrogel, because it can accumulate moisture, much needed for the skin. Actively growing shoots should be plucked. In this way the plant takes root and becomes more voluminous.

In a larger pot, the plant can be planted together with a peat cup, the soil composition is unchanged. Further, the care for the flow is very simple: we feed twice a month, watering, when the soil begins to dry out a little. A place is better to choose solar, but the light should be scattered. The optimum temperature for an adult plant varies between 20 degrees.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to plant seeds in seeding, and even less with an adult plant. Torenia is an excellent choice for those who do not like unnecessary trouble with flowers.