Cauliflower garnish

Delicious and nutritious garnish of vegetables cook simply, though not everyone knows exactly how it's done. Most of us, taking cauliflower, serve it to the table in boiled form, or in batter, and then at best. We will tell you how to prepare a cauliflower for a garnish and do it in an original way.

Recipe for cauliflower on garnish



In the pan, we heat the oil and quickly fry the garlic on it. We pour cream into the frying pan, add curry , fish sauce, lime juice and sugar. We evaporate the sauce until thick. Cabbage is disassembled on the inflorescences and cooked in salted water along with beans until half-ready. Half-finished vegetables are spread in a pan with sauce and simmer until soft. Before serving, sprinkle the cabbage with chopped chili and coriander.

Garnish from Brussels sprouts



Cut the Brussels sprouts into halves and marinate them in a mixture of oil and vinegar for 15-20 minutes, after which we spread cabbage on a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees 20 minutes. Once the cabbage is ready, sprinkle it with cheese and peanuts.

Cabbage broccoli garnish



We divide the broccoli into inflorescences and thoroughly wash it. Let cabbage dry on a kitchen towel, and then pour with oil and mix well so that each inflorescence is covered. Season cabbage with salt and pepper, put on a baking tray.

Garlic cloves are cut into plates of medium thickness and spread over the inflorescences of cabbage. We bake broccoli under foil at 210 degrees 20-25 minutes, for 7-10 minutes before the foil is ready to be removed.

Ready broccoli can also be sprinkled with grated cheese, chopped nuts, chili peppers, or poured with your favorite sauce, but in their primary form they are equally delicious.