Wrinkles under the eyes

The appearance of folds and "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyelids is an unpleasant, but inevitable, process. Age-related changes in the skin intensify against a background of lack of sleep, bad habits and genetic characteristics. Therefore, women are constantly looking for new methods, how to remove wrinkles under the eyes or at least to smooth out their severity, slow the appearance of new defects. For this, there are many home, cosmetic and surgical methods.

How to remove mimic wrinkles around your eyes?

The most gentle and gentle effect is possessed by natural remedies that are easy to prepare at home. For example, one-or two-component masks from the following products can be applied to the eyelids:

Also smooth the skin of vegetable fats. The main thing is to know which oil removes wrinkles around the eyes:

The most simple method for women is the cryomassage of problem areas. To do it, you need to freeze ice cubes from mineral water or strong green tea, and wipe them around the eyes every morning. Strengthen the effect of cryomassage, if you put in the freezer infusions on herbs:

In addition, every day or at least every 2 days, perform special exercises from the complex facebuilding. They help to strengthen the surrounding muscles and tighten the skin.

The listed ways to remove wrinkles around the eyes are suitable only at the very beginning of the appearance of defects. In the presence of long, deep and numerous folds, more intensive effects are needed.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes with the help of cosmetology?

Professional remedies for the described problem, cream and serum:

Remove deep age wrinkles around the eyes allow peeling (acid, chemical, retinoic), as well as procedures of hardware cosmetology:

The first two options for wrinkle removal provide an almost instantaneous smoothing of the skin, but are associated with some inconveniences and pain, a risk of swelling. The remaining methods are less traumatic, but the result is only visible after several procedures.

How to quickly remove wrinkles under the eyes?

A radical method of dealing with defects is blepharoplasty. Surgery is especially necessary if wrinkles are combined with large "bags" under the eyes, overhanging the skin.

After surgical intervention, the problems in question disappear completely, since the doctor excludes all unnecessary areas. In addition, rehabilitation does not take much time, and the result will please a woman for many years.

The only drawback of blepharoplasty is the high cost of the procedure.