Eyebrow modeling

Fashion is constantly changing, and this applies even to the eyebrows. For example, recently there has been a transformation of ideas not only about their ideal form, but also thickness, and also density. Always be in a trend, to look as natural and attractive as possible helps modeling eyebrows. This procedure assumes the introduction of cardinal changes, allowing to achieve the desired results in a short time.

What is the difference between modeling and correcting the shape of the eyebrows?

Considered cosmetic manipulations are similar only at first sight.

Correction consists in removing unwanted hairs growing on the bridge of the nose, above and under the eyebrow. It is designed to support the already existing form.

There are various ways to eliminate excess vegetation:

  1. Plucking with cosmetic tweezers. The most accessible, quick and easy method is used by most women at home.
  2. Correction and partial modeling of eyebrows with hot wax. The technique allows you to get rid of hairs instantly, but requires certain skills, so it is often held in beauty salons.
  3. Hair removal with floss. Popular technique in the Arab and Eastern countries. The procedure is less painful than plucking with tweezers and wax removal, easy to master.
  4. Laser hair removal. The most effective way to correct the shape of the eyebrows , provides a lasting result. The impact of the laser is not too much in demand, since it is expensive and requires the growth of hairs.

Modeling is a fundamentally different technology. It allows you to give the eyebrows a completely different, new shape, ideally suited to the shape, type of face, hairstyle, style in clothes, hair color. Let's consider in more detail

Modeling eyebrows at home

Independently change the length, thickness, bend and height of the brow fracture, achieving their absolute symmetry is very difficult, it is first advisable to consult with a specialist. In addition, it is important to choose a form that will exactly fit your face.

If you still decided to model your eyebrows yourself, you should follow these rules:

  1. The beginning, and the widest part of the arc, should be located exactly above the inner corner of the eye.
  2. The highest point of the eyebrow lies on the straight line, running from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the pupil (tangent).
  3. The break must be connected to the beginning of the arc by a straight line.
  4. "Tail" (the extremity of the eyebrow) is on a straight line, which is laid from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.
  5. The end of the arc must also be connected to the kink by a straight line.

Given that now in vogue the maximum naturalness, it is desirable to make eyebrows wide (if possible). It is important to find a compromise between their accuracy and thickness, leaving no excess hairs on top and bottom.

Having outlined the contours of ideal eyebrows with a light pencil, you can proceed to their design - filling with color, staining the voids.

For home use, these specialized eyebrow modeling tools are available:

Naturally, all these products provide short-term results. For a sustainable effect, you will have to visit the beauty salon.

Professional modeling of eyebrows

Specialists suggest different techniques for giving the eyebrows the desired shape. All of them are based on the above principles of creating an ideal arc, but the wizard will do everything much faster and no mistakes. Eyebrows exactly will turn out symmetrical, equal and identical.

Most popular procedures:

Additionally, professionals recommend performing keratin modeling of eyebrows. It consists in applying to the hair a special paint, enriched with oils and vitamins. After that, the eyebrows are treated with keratin composition, which gives the hair the right direction of growth, thickens them, visually giving a density.