How to remove red after sunburn?

Smooth, beautiful tan makes the appearance very attractive. With the onset of summer days, many try to choose the time to stay on the beach, so that the skin has acquired a desired swarthy tinge. But often the result of prolonged exposure to the sun is sunburn, which manifests itself in the form of redness, a feeling of tightness, pain and heat. The question of how to remove red after sunburn, is especially relevant for owners of light "European" type of skin. We learn what doctors and cosmetologists think about how to get rid of redness after sunburn.

How to remove red from the face after sunburn?

Of course, the most important advice of specialists: to prevent the formation of skin burns from sunlight. For this purpose, it is recommended to use any medium (oil, gel, cream, foam) with medium or high degree of protection, depending on the expected time spent in the sun and the strength of the natural light skin tone. But if you can not prevent redness, then the redness after sunburn will help to eliminate:

How to remove the redness on the body after sunburn?

Extensive body burns can be removed by applying to burned places:

Remove fever, pain and lighten the skin helps to lubricate the skin:

How quickly to remove the red after sunburn?

There are situations when you need to look good by the evening of the day when a sunburn was received. Excellent helpers in this case will be drugs that can be purchased in any pharmacy chain: