Curettage of the periodontal pocket - what is it?

Curettage of the periodontal pocket is a common procedure that is performed with gum disease. Consider what this manipulation is, what kinds of curettage of periodontal pockets exist.

The purpose and essence of the curettage of the paradontiac pocket

Trying to figure out what this procedure is, let's start by defining the "periodontal pocket". A parodontal, or dentogingival, pocket is the pathological space formed as a result of the destruction and detachment of the dentogingival joints. This is due to the presence of tartar , which, penetrating deeper, under the gum causes inflammation. With the progression of pathological processes, periodontal pockets increase, exposing teeth, provoking their loosening and prolapse.

To avoid aggravation, the curettage of the paradontal pockets is appointed - manipulation, which allows to clean the formed spaces between the tooth and gum from the deposits, eliminate inflammation and bleeding , prevent the defeat of deeper tissues. Depending on the stage of the disease, the depth of the lesion, either closed or open curettage is carried out.

Features of closed curettage periodontal pockets

This type of manipulation is carried out at pocket depths of up to 3-5 mm (light and medium degree of damage). Closed curettage is relatively uncomplicated, does not require special skills. The procedure includes the following main stages:

As a rule, at the same time curettage is carried out in the area of ​​two or three teeth. The injuries heal within a week, and within a month after the procedure, connective tissue is formed, attaching the gum to the root and neck of the tooth.

Features of open curettage periodontal pockets

Open curettage is a surgical operation that requires special training and high professionalism. It is performed at a depth of dentogingival pockets exceeding 5 mm. Stages of manipulation are as follows:

Sutures are removed after about 10 days, complete restoration of periodontal disease occurs within a few months.

Laser curettage periodontal pockets

Curettage of the periodontal pocket with a laser is a more modern and expensive procedure, which has many advantages over traditional methods, namely: