Drowsiness during pregnancy

Drowsiness in early pregnancy is common to many women. This body reaction helps the future mother to avoid stress disorders and nervous excitement. Drowsiness is not the most common symptom in pregnancy, but still it often worries in the early stages.

Why pregnant women want to sleep?

The future mother wants to sleep during pregnancy for the following reasons:

The main cause of increased drowsiness in the first trimester are endocrine changes in the body. This physiological phenomenon causes a lot of inconvenience to pregnant women, who continue to work. After all, the use of strong tea and more than one cup of coffee a day is not recommended. In order to fight this problem in the working conditions, it is necessary, if possible, to take breaks and rest, it is recommended to walk or make respiratory gymnastics. This is a natural process and does not require medical or medication.

Drowsiness in late pregnancy

In the second and third trimester lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue in pregnancy can be symptoms of anemia (lack of iron in the body). You need a doctor who leads you throughout pregnancy, pay attention to the hemoglobin level in the blood and prescribe the necessary treatment if the problem is in it. Anemia during pregnancy is also accompanied by numbness of the limbs, pale skin, weak and brittle nails and frequent dizziness. Severe drowsiness can be caused by high blood pressure , the presence of protein in the urine or a strong puffiness.

Drowsiness during pregnancy

If the future mother always wants to sleep during pregnancy, and the tests are normal, and there is no cause for concern, then you do not need to go to the doctor, but you need to lie down and rest, as the body requires. Restrictions in sleep or rest can negatively affect the health of mom and baby. From overstrain in the mother's body, the tone of the uterus may increase, which is highly undesirable, and the baby can be born too active and anxious.

If a drowsy condition during pregnancy worries a woman, she needs to create all the conditions for a proper rest. Before going to bed, you need to take a walk in the fresh air, and on the weekend go outside the city, to the water, to the forest. Relax the body will help a glass of warm boiled milk or a drink of honey with lemon before going to bed.

Drowsiness and fatigue in pregnancy

Perhaps, the drowsiness that appeared in the early stages of pregnancy will pass by itself, but it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

It is advisable for the future mother to sleep no less than eight hours a day, to go to bed no later than 22.00. It is very desirable to rest during the day, so if possible, you need to sleep a few hours. Doctors recommend sleeping on a medium-hard mattress, avoiding the abdominal position, it is best to sleep on your back or on your side.

If the future mommy tends to sleep during pregnancy, you just need to be more careful about your health, leave more time for rest and walking outdoors. It is necessary to follow all instructions of the doctor and before each reception to hand over analyzes.