Increase of lips with hyaluronic acid - is it worth to decide on the procedure?

The last few years, the increase in lips with hyaluronic acid has enjoyed considerable demand. Here a huge contribution was made by the founders of fashion, who dictate their rules. According to these postulates, the lips should be plump, sensual and sexual. It is not difficult to achieve such a result, because injecting cosmetology comes to the rescue.

How to increase the lips with hyaluronic acid?

The substance used for this procedure is an important component of the body. Hyaluronic acid is produced by connective tissues. This component has one valuable feature: it is capable of attracting and retaining water molecules that are 1000 times larger than their own. This property has found its application in cosmetology, including with the increase of the lips.

Such a miracle procedure is available to everyone who has crossed the 17-year mark. Exceptions are only those persons who injections of hyaluronic acid on the lips are contraindicated. However, there are those who can not do without such a procedure:

Hyaluronic Acid for Lips - Preparations

All the gels used to perform injections can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. "Temporary" drugs - they dissolve and are excreted by the body 10-12 months after injection. Such gels consist of natural components.
  2. "Constant" drugs - when used, lip enlargement occurs with hyaluronic acid and synthetic additives, for example, silicones. Such gels are able to stay under the skin for five or more years. Many patients prefer these drugs, but cosmetologists do not share this view. These gels, because of the presence of synthetic components in their composition, often produce severe complications.

Experts in most cases use a hyaluronic acid for the lips:

The procedure for increasing the lips with hyaluronic acid

Before miracle-injections, you need to pass a little preparation. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an allergotest, which allows to identify the reaction of the body to the injected drug. In addition, on the eve should drink a course of medicines to prevent the onset of herpes . More often Dicinon or Acyclovir is prescribed for this. The whole procedure does not last long.

The technique of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is as follows:

  1. The master processes the area where the injections will be performed, with an anesthetic gel, cream or other freezing agent.
  2. When the lips are numb, the specialist proceeds to perform the procedure. The duration of the manipulation depends on the technique chosen.
  3. Injections are accompanied by a gentle massage, allowing the drug to be evenly distributed.
  4. An ice pack is applied to the treated area, after which the master gives recommendations on the subsequent care.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is performed by such techniques:

Each such technique involves injecting into different parts of the lips. For this reason, the master must master the skills of the procedure in the first place. In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of the drug administered. Only an expert can do this. When the dosage is exceeded, "balls" are formed in the cells of the tissues, because of what the mouth acquires a caricature appearance.

What to do after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

During the rehabilitation period, the list of restrictions is huge and varied. At the primary stage, there is swelling and inflammation. After a week the situation improves. However, here's what can not be done after increasing the lips with hyaluronic acid:

  1. Touch your hands to your mouth, even if you really want to check whether everything is in order.
  2. Expressed articulate, and also much and loudly to speak. During this period, it is quite possible to get by with a slight smile, negative or approving movements of the head.
  3. Do active sports, visit spa-procedures, solarium and sauna. Thermal and ultraviolet influence negatively on the structure of hyaluronate.
  4. Eat hot and hot meals. In addition, during the first week, you need to give up fruits, vegetables and other products that require thorough chewing.
  5. Drink alcohol and hot drinks.
  6. Smoking - a pipe, a hookah and even electronic cigarettes are prohibited.
  7. Allow airing of the lips and use decorative cosmetics. To clean the same teeth must be very carefully, trying not to touch the mouth.
  8. Passionate kissing, as this can provoke a redistribution of the injected substance.

Lip enlargement with hyaluronic acid - care

In order to avoid complications, you must follow the recommendations of the master. Care for the lips after increasing hyaluronic acid is as follows:

  1. Use prescribed ointments, gels and antiseptics.
  2. Take prescribed antiallergic drugs.
  3. Do a light massage.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - recommendations

After the procedure, you need to use the master's prescribed ointments and gels. That's how to smear your lips after increasing hyaluronic acid:

Lip massage after increasing hyaluronic acid

Care after the procedure should be special. On the one hand, lips must be protected, and on the other hand, they need external influence. Thanks to the massage, blood circulation in tissues improves. As a result, the volume of the lips increases and the probability of negative consequences is reduced. In this case, and swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid occurs less often.

Massage should be done twice a day: in the morning and in the evening hours. His technique is this:

  1. The procedure is performed by the reverse side of the toothbrush.
  2. Movements should be easy (from the corners of the mouth to the center).
  3. At the end of the procedure, the treated surface is covered with a moisturizer.

Injections of hyaluronic acid - pros and cons

This technique has its advantages and disadvantages. The first include such features:

Injections of hyaluronic acid have such drawbacks:

How long does liposuction hang with hyaluronic acid?

Count on the fact that the effect after the first injection will last for a long time, is not worth it. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is accompanied by periodic corrections. Degradation of drugs occurs gradually. Since the body does not perceive hyaluronic acid as an alien substance, subsequent injections are normally transferred. For this reason, the master can recommend a repeat procedure one year after the first.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - contraindications

This procedure is very in demand. However, there are a number of circumstances when it will have to be abandoned. Injections of hyaluronic acid contraindications are as follows:

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - the consequences

Proper care will minimize the occurrence of complications. Increasing the shape and volume of the lips with hyaluronic acid is an invasive intervention, so there is a risk that the wounds will heal for a long time. In addition, such complications can arise:

  1. Appear lumps after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. Such "bumps" can be a normal phenomenon, which will independently resolve. Often lumps are a sign of drug overdose. To eliminate this effect, injections of hyaluronidase are carried out.
  2. The asymmetry of the lips - in order to make sure that this complication is not present, the patient is assigned turnout to the master 2 weeks after the procedure. If necessary, he will add the drug to thin areas.
  3. Lips ache after increasing hyaluronic acid, and this unpleasant sensation is accompanied by blanching of the skin. To prevent tissue necrosis, you will need the help of a beautician.
  4. The lips are swollen - physiotherapy procedures will help to get rid of such a problem.
  5. Hematomas - can occur both due to injury of the vessel, and when squeezing it with a clot of injected gel. More often in 1,5-2 weeks this complication in itself passes.