The gum was swollen - what to do?

Everyone has ever faced the problem of swelling of the gums. Sometimes this happens for minor reasons, based not on the disease, but on the natural reaction of the tissue to damage. In other cases, the gum may swell from the pathological process that needs to be cured.

Few facts: why the gum is swollen?

The answer to the question is why the gum is swollen and bleeding. the cause may be unsuccessful treatment on the eve, and improper hygiene of the oral cavity, and tooth damage, and many others.

  1. If the gum is swollen and painful: cyst, flux, poorly adjusted dentures, toothpaste with aggressive ingredients, toothbrush with hard nap - all these factors can lead to swelling of the gums. Of course, the most dangerous of them is the cyst and flux, so you need to pay attention at first to the gum, make an inspection, and if there are suspicions - see a doctor.
  2. Also, if possible, replace the hygiene products for the oral cavity: the fact is that the gum is sometimes swollen and sore due to mechanical effects (except for infectious factors), and using a toothbrush to damage the gum is very easy, as with aggressive chemical substances in the paste.
  3. If after the treatment of the tooth the gum has swollen: in this case two factors can become the cause: the first is the reaction to the filling material, and the second is the exit of the filling material behind the tip of the root.
  4. If the gum is swollen and bleeds: most likely, the reason for this was gingivitis. This is a common gum disease without tissue damage. It is characterized by puffiness and slight bleeding gums, patients feel soreness, because of which they avoid normal brushing of teeth, and a plaque is formed near the gum. There are different forms of gingivitis, and swelling of the gums is not always observed. The cause of gingivitis can be a teething, insufficient oral hygiene, a violation of the hormonal background and also vitamin deficiency.
  5. Another reason why such symptoms may occur is scurvy, when the body catastrophically lacks vitamin C.
  6. If the tooth was removed and then the gum swelled: perhaps the cause of swelling in this case is the poor sterility of the instruments or the infection of the gum after the operation through the patient's fault. Sometimes it's much simpler: the gum reacts in this way to damage to its integrity, and the swelling itself passes in 2-3 days.

How to treat a swollen gum with medication?

Of course, the flux, cyst, gingivitis, scurvy and the consequences of poor filling should be eliminated by doctors. In other cases, you can try to remove puffiness at home.

  1. In the first place, you should use anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common of these are ibuprofen, aspirin and diclofenac and their analogues with the same active ingredient.
  2. The next group of medicines is intended for rinses: chlorhezidine 0.05% and miramistin 0.01%. These drugs have antibacterial action, therefore, If the gum is swollen in the area of ​​the tooth ruptured and infection occurs, then they should help.
  3. Now consider how to anesthetize a swollen gum: if the gum is swollen and it is accompanied by pain, it is better to drink a good remedy for toothache: ketorolac or medications with other names, but with this active substance.

Folk methods of treatment of swollen gums

If the gum is swollen, folk remedies are usually used as rinses. It can not be said that these methods are less effective than medicamentous ones - they perfectly remove inflammation.

Recipe number 1. Take a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of iodine, and then dilute them in a glass of warm water. Rinse 5-6 times a day.

Recipe number 2. Make a mixture of broths of chamomile, sage and marigold (in equal proportions) and rinse with this remedy a painful patch as often as possible.

Liquids should be warm to avoid causing festering.