Curvature of the spine in children

Curvature of the spine in children is a disease whose danger is difficult to underestimate. In addition to the appearance that can cause psychological problems in the child, the curvature of the spine has far more serious consequences. So, it can reduce the natural mobility of the chest, which will necessarily affect the performance of the lungs. Violation of ventilation, in turn, leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to catarrhal diseases. The child begins to get sick often, and the diseases are more difficult to bear. Often the curvature of the spine in children is the first "swallow", which warns of impending osteochondrosis. Progressive curvature is the cause of pathological changes in internal organs.

Types of curvature

Depending on the direction and angle of the bend, the types of curvature of the spine are classified as follows:

These pathological changes can also form in utero, but most often defects appear after birth. Mums should remember that the health of the spine depends on the proper care of the baby. Congenital curvature of the spine in newborns is easily amenable to adjustment, if, of course, it is not about the most pronounced deformations. Parents should constantly monitor the formation of physiological curves of the child's spine, especially in those moments when the baby learns to hold his head, makes attempts to sit, stand, walk.

Prevention of curvature of the spine

Not always mum and daddy can detect violations of the child's posture in the early stages, so the prevention of distortions The spine should be held regularly. Most often this problem is faced by schoolchildren, so parents need to take care of a suitable writing desk, the correct height of the chair, the lighting of the workplace. Daily exercise (enough ten-minute morning exercise) is also an excellent prevention. For your own peace of mind, twice a year is worth visiting with a child of an osteopath.

Treatment of curvature of the spine

If time for prevention is missed, it is necessary to proceed without delay to treatment of curvatures. Curvature of the spine in children involves treatment with conservative methods (corset, special exercises, massage, acupuncture, exercise in exercise therapy, physiotherapy) and surgical intervention.