Why does a child grind his teeth at night?

Perhaps, every mom, sooner or later, is faced with the fact that the child grinds at night with his teeth, not understanding why this happens. If such a situation repeats regularly and the baby interferes with sleeping with his dental creak, then specialists will be able to solve this problem.

The most common causes of dental creak

  1. The most common version of why a child grinds his teeth in a dream is the presence of worms and other intestinal parasites. Although this option can be heard from the homegrown Aesculapius - grandmothers, it is mostly, most often, erroneous.
  2. Yes, when a child has worms, lamblia, pinworms and other parasites, he can grind his teeth due to the fact that sleep is disturbed by the night activity of these parasites, but superficial sleep, night sickness, nightmares, nightmares are attached to nighttime bruxism (dental creaking) , pain in the navel, irritation around the anus and so on.

  3. When you do not know why children grind their teeth at night, but this is the case in your family, it's worth taking a closer look at the child himself. The environment in which he is - the kindergarten, the school, the children in the yard, imposes a serious imprint on the child's personality, and although, often to us, adults, childhood problems seem petty and insignificant, for him this is a real experience that can manifest itself in the form of bruxism .
  4. When we do not know why a little child coughs and squeaks at night, it is necessary to make sure that he does not have allergy to dust. Fountain pens living in cushions, dust under the bed and walls covered with carpets - all this can provoke a night cough and dental scraping.
  5. Heredity can also affect the baby, and if his father and mother suffered from bruxism, then it is likely that the child will also appear.
  6. Various neurological phenomena that lead to sleep disturbances can cause the scratching of teeth. Neurologists put bruxism on a par with sleepwalking and conversation in a dream.
  7. Adenoids in a baby very often (in 80% of cases) become the cause of squeaking at night. The child is hard to breathe, and he generally sleeps restlessly, with his mouth open, and in the phase of fast sleep creaks with his teeth.
  8. When a child's teeth are chopped , he cries and worries at night, trying in every possible way to ease the unpleasant itching in the gums. The creaking of already cut teeth can then be heard periodically and in the daytime.
  9. Incorrect structure of the dentition, malocclusion, deformation of the maxillofacial apparatus can also cause bruxism.

What if the child grinds at night?

Undoubtedly, dental creaking, or bruxism requires the intervention of specialists - neurologists and orthodontists. If the child grinds his teeth nightly, the tooth enamel suffers from this and is erased. In the case where the problem is neurological and it takes time to solve it, the doctor can prescribe special patches for teeth that will quench friction.

It will help to relieve the tension of the jaw apparatus and vitamin therapy, because the lack of B group vitamins often causes spasmodic and spastic muscle tension during sleep.

Recommended for children of any age before bedtime to create such conditions in which the child will feel pacification. You should not watch TV programs, cartoons, games on the computer. The more a child will spend time with benefit in the family, the faster his emotional background stabilizes.

The systematic lack of sleep, which happens in children who are accustomed to going to bed late, provokes bruxism. The child should spend at least 8-10 hours in sleep, depending on the age.