Dark circles under the eyes of a child

Why did the child have dark circles under the eyes? Only a competent pediatrician can reliably answer this question, after taking the tests and examining the narrow specialists. We with you, as befits responsible and caring parents, initially "outline" the possible causes of this phenomenon and, armed with the necessary knowledge, go to the doctor.

The causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child

An alarm or a reason to revise the daily routine: often the reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes of a child are obvious. If the toddler is overtired, walks in the open air a little, has a bad appetite, then before the alarm is sounded, the parents need to adjust the schedule and menu of their offspring. Of course, if it's a schoolboy who spends most of his time at school, then does his homework before the evening, and devotes the remaining hours to playing on the computer or watching TV, then changing anything in the already established way of the child will not be easy, but possible . In such situations, parents should pay attention to academic performance - perhaps the crumb simply need the help of an adult or a tutor for some subject. Also it is necessary to allocate time for walks or playing sports - physical activity will return to the child vivacity and good mood. And of course, a full rest, at least temporarily exclude television and computer games from the life of the student, enter the rule to go to bed no later than 9-10 hours, and you will notice that the dark circles around the eyes of the child will disappear by themselves.

However, it is not necessary to assume that only students of the school face this problem, and often "garden" kids suffer from the excessive ambitions of their parents. Sadik, circles, school of development - to play a small child in the sandbox, and he already knows the alphabet and learns to read. Of course, the parents' desire is conditioned by the high demands of the educational program and the best motives. But in this case, it's no wonder that the question of why a child has dark circles under his eyes is put on the agenda in every second family where there are small children.

And now, a few words about other, more serious reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Vegeto-vascular dystonia. A disease that is hereditary in nature. Pay attention to relatives and the kid: increased sweating, frequent headaches, cold hands and feet, even in hot weather - these are the first symptoms of the IRR, and the picture is supplemented by dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Kidney disease. An alarm sign that signals a violation of the kidneys is dark circles under the eyes and swelling. Other symptoms, such as: abdominal and lower back pain, fever, micturition may appear later.
  3. Diseases and heart diseases. In this case, dark circles appear in parallel with rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches and pallor of the skin.
  4. Chronic infections and allergies. And in both cases, the cause of the appearance of dark circles lies in the intoxication of the body and oxygen starvation.
  5. Avitaminosis and anemia. Both problems have an identical etiology - unbalanced nutrition and seasonality.