Cycloferon in ampoules

The basis of good health and immunity of the body to infections and foreign substances for humans is the presence of a strong immune system. But at times it can be weakened by seasonal diseases, a harmful lifestyle or food that does not contain important and useful nutrients. In such cases, the intake of vitamins sometimes becomes insufficient and immunostimulants created with the help of modern pharmacy come to the rescue. One of these "assistants" for the activation of immunity is Cycloferon.

Dosage Forms of Cycloferon

Cycloferon is available in several forms:

Cycloferon in ampoules can be produced:

  1. In the form of a lyophilizate - a dry substance Cycloferon, passed the process of soft drying in a vacuum apparatus. The lyophilizate is used for long-term storage and, for injections, is preliminarily diluted with a special liquid.
  2. In the form of ready-made injections that do not require additional dilution - this form of release is convenient for self-use at home, with medical experience.

Diseases in which Cycloferon is used in ampoules

Cycloferon is prescribed to enhance the activity of the immune system in complex treatment for colds, flu and during the season of seasonal diseases (autumn-spring). Also, indications for the use of injections of Cycloferon are diseases:

Side effects of Cycloferon

Because Cycloferon belongs to the pharmacological group of interferons, i.e. in fact, this protein, synthesized by the human body in response to the invasion of the virus and prevents its development, side effects of this drug is not noted. The only undesirable effect of taking Cycloferon may be an individual intolerance to his body, manifested by allergic reactions.

Preventing factors for the use of Cycloferon

The drug is not allowed for use in pregnancy and lactating women, as well as children until they reach the age of four.

With care to help tsikloferona resorted to diagnosing cirrhosis of the liver. In the presence of problems associated with the endocrine system, the use of the drug requires constant monitoring by a specialist doctor (endocrinologist).

How to prick Cycloferon in ampoules?

To activate immunity for "light" diseases (influenza, ARVI ), injections of Cycloferon are made intramuscularly according to the main scheme: 0.25-0.5 g once a day for two consecutive days and then switch to injections every other day.

It should be noted that, in case of various diseases, the optimal treatment regimen for Cycloferon in ampoules is established by the attending physician, based on the severity of the disease, the general parameters of the organism and mainly the treatment.

Approximate schemes of injections of Cycloferon:

  1. Herpes. The injections are done according to the basic scheme indicated above. The total number of injections is ten, then a break for 14 days is made and another course of 7 injections is conducted.
  2. Hepatitis. In acute form, the main scheme, 6 grams per course, is used. In the chronic form of the disease, as maintenance therapy 0.25 g (one ampoule) once every five days, for three months.
  3. Neuroviral infections. The basic scheme for 0.6 g of the drug, then maintenance therapy is also 0.6 g once every five days, for 2.5-3 months.