Sinus bradycardia of the heart - what is it - the causes and treatment

Sinus bradycardia is one of the violations of the heart rhythm, which in many cases for a long time remains unnoticed for patients. This condition negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism and can lead to very adverse effects.

Bradycardia of the heart - what is it?

It is believed that the normal heart rate is 60 beats per minute, that is, with such frequency beats the heart in most adults. Bradycardia - slowing heart rate, which is less than 60 strokes, which can accompany various pathologies, and also be a physiological phenomenon under certain circumstances. To explain the term "sinus bradycardia of the heart," what it is and what are the reasons for this deviation, we will first understand how the heart contraction occurs.

The work of the heart is a rhythmic process in which the heart muscle alternately contracts, then relaxes, creating the possibility of blood supply and spread. Regular reduction of the myocardium is facilitated by the generation of an electric pulse in the sinus node (the rhythm driver). It is a nodule located in the thickness of the heart muscle and binding the nerve fibers to the autonomic nervous system. The palpitations that originate in the sinus node are considered correct.

The electrical impulse that appears in the pacemaker is transferred to several more nodes that conduct pulses to all parts of the myocardium and cause the heart to contract. If there is a malfunction in the chain of transmission of the electrical impulse from the sinus node to other transmitting nodes, the heart starts to beat more slowly, but in this case the bradycardia is not sinusoidal, but is connected with the blockade of the excitation. With sinus bradycardia, the rhythm of the heartbeat slows down due to a violation in the main driver of the rhythm, which becomes inactive and generates impulses with deceleration.

Moderate bradycardia

If a moderate sinus bradycardia is diagnosed, this means that the heart works at a frequency of 40-50 ud. in a minute. This work of the heart is still able to maintain blood circulation at the normal level in the body. In this case, the reduction in the frequency of strokes may be an individual physiological feature (in people who have strong muscle walls from birth) or the result of adaptation of the organism in constant sports training.

Pronounced bradycardia

A very low pulse - less than 40 beats per minute - is noted with a pronounced disorder that leads to numerous blood flow disorders and oxygen starvation of the tissues. Especially suffer from intracranial vessels. As a result, many organs and systems deteriorate, which is fraught with unfavorable irreversible consequences for human health and life.

What is dangerous bradycardia of the heart?

The main thing, the more dangerous the bradycardia, is the probability of cardiac arrest, which often threatens patients with a pronounced degree of anomaly. But even a small heart beat, observed for a long time and prone to progression, serves as a signal for examination and treatment, because it can not only worsen the quality of life and work capacity, but also lead to fainting, heart failure, blood clots, and so on.

Bradycardia - causes

Physiological bradycardia, when the pulse is lowered slightly, in addition to individual characteristics of the body and physical fitness, can be observed in relatively healthy people under the influence of such factors:

Such a bradycardia, the pulse at which no less than 40 beats per minute, which does not cause a deterioration in overall health and is not accompanied by other deviations, is not regarded as pathological. In other cases, the low pulse of the cause may have associated with other diseases. We list the main of them:

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

2. Neurological pathologies:

3. Diseases of internal organs:

4. Other diseases and pathological processes in the body:

Bradycardia - symptoms

A low pulse with a minor bradycardia and in the case of physiological causes often does not manifest itself as any symptomatology. Pathological sinus bradycardia can be expressed in the following clinical picture:

Pressure with bradycardia

Arrhythmia bradycardia is often combined with high blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm Hg), which can indicate a tumor process, ischemic disease, cardiosclerosis, pericarditis. The reason is sometimes incorrectly selected antihypertensive therapy. Less commonly, sinus bradycardia is diagnosed against a background of low blood pressure, which is also a dangerous combination. This may indicate internal bleeding, intoxication, severe infection.

Bradycardia - treatment

If a person is diagnosed with a low pulse, what to do in this case, you can determine after a complete diagnosis of the body. Before treating the bradycardia of the heart, find out which pathology provokes this deviation and whether the reduction of heart rhythm is a physiological norm (in this case, treatment is not necessary). In order to establish the causative factors, electrocardiography, Holter monitoring, ultrasound examination of the heart and other organs, electrolyte blood composition, a blood test for hormones, etc., are performed.

Considering how to treat sinus bradycardia of a moderate and mild degree, first of all pay attention to the lifestyle and diet, adjusting them in accordance with healthy norms. So, it is recommended to give up fatty foods, alcohol, smoking, limit the use of sweets and baking. Be sure to observe an adequate mode of work and rest, physical activity, avoid psycho-traumatic situations. In more severe cases, medical or surgical treatment is performed.

Drugs with bradycardia

When the bradycardia is provoked by non-cardiac pathologies, the prescription of medications is carried out in accordance with the underlying disease. For example, infectious diseases require the use of antibiotics, with hormonal disorders - hormones. Elimination of the root cause can effectively eliminate the rhythm disturbance. In addition to treating the causative pathology, the following medicines can be used to increase the heart rate, activate the sinus node:

Sometimes prescribed drops with a plant-based bradycardia - drops of Zelenin, tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, contributing to a rapid increase in heart rate. With a sharp decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, accompanied by fainting, convulsions, signs of pulmonary edema requires hospitalization of the patient in the hospital - the department of arrhythmology or cardiology.

Bradycardia - treatment with folk remedies

Folk healers may suggest what to take with a low pulse to increase it, but such treatment must necessarily be discussed with the attending physician for the possibility of combining with the basic medication therapy. Among the remedies offered for this disturbance by non-traditional medicine, one can mention infusions of nettle, immortelle, decoctions of yarrow, tartar, lemon-garlic-honey mix.

How to prepare a medicinal infusion of yarrow?


Preparation and use:

  1. Pour the raw material with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, boil for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Insist for an hour, filtered.
  4. Apply three times a day on a tablespoon.

Sinus bradycardia is an operation

The pronounced sinus bradycardia, whose treatment with drugs is ineffective, is an indication for cardiac surgery for the installation of an pacemaker. This device, which is implanted under the skin and helps to normalize the number of heartbeats, producing electrical impulses and directing them to the right parts of the myocardium.