Autoimmune diseases - list

Violations caused by excessive production of aggressive antibodies, lead to the development of inflammation in the body and tissue damage. Such pathologies are autoimmune diseases - the list of these diseases is quite large and is classified according to a system in which irreversible changes occur.

Markers of autoimmune diseases

To determine the disease and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, a blood test is performed for the presence of special cells. The markers of the considered pathologies of immunity according to generally accepted laboratory standards are antibodies:

As a rule, at the time of the research, a total screening and counting of the total number of the same antibodies is performed.

Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland

This category is the most common immunity against other diseases. Pathologies of endocrine nature include:

Typically, the treatment of autoimmune diseases of the character in question is not subject to standard therapy by suppressors, rather regular observation by the therapist and the necessary preventive measures.

Other autoimmune pathologies

Systemic diseases:

Diseases of the blood and nervous system:

Pathology of digestion:

Skin diseases:

It should be noted that all of the above ailments are successfully treated by a dermatologist. The only skin disorder that requires an integrated approach is an autoimmune disease of vitiligo with symptoms in the form of depigmentation of the epidermis.