Treatment of hemorrhoids at home. How to treat internal and external hemorrhoids at home?

Inflammation, thrombosis and pathological dilatation of veins in the rectum tissues are better suited for therapy in the early stages of development. If you immediately turn to the proctologist does not work, you must immediately begin to self-treat hemorrhoids. Local and systemic medicines combined with natural preparations will help to quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home?

Adequate therapy of rectal thrombosis provides for mandatory consultation with a specialist. The lack of professional control is fraught with the progression of the disease and deterioration of the condition to the stage when surgical procedures will be needed. Effective treatment of hemorrhoids at home should be carried out in strict accordance with the prescription of the proctologist. The choice of medicines is based on the severity of the symptoms of the pathology, the nature and degree of inflammation of the anal veins.

External hemorrhoids - home treatment

Dropped "knots" or "bumps", located around the opening of the rectum, suggest a complex therapy aimed at stopping the signs of thrombosis and eliminating its cause. Proper treatment of external hemorrhoids at home includes:

  1. Correction of power. It is important to normalize the consistency of the stool and the frequency of bowel emptying, to get rid of constipation. For this purpose, a special diet is prescribed, the diet includes foods and drinks with a mild laxative effect.
  2. Replenishment of vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. You should take drugs with magnesium or food rich in this substance. In addition, you need to compensate for the lack of vitamins B, K and P, ascorbic acid.
  3. Organization of hygiene of the anus. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home provides daily sessile baths with warm water or herbal decoctions. Also you will have to stop using paper, especially hard, after defecation skin cleansing is carried out with damp cellulose napkins or with the help of scouring.

In parallel, medical therapy of hemorrhoids is carried out, including systemic preparations of the following groups:

Local medications are recommended in the form of ointments, creams and gels. Candles should be used with internal and combined hemorrhoids, but their administration is meaningless if the inflamed veins have already fallen out. Local means have such actions:

Internal hemorrhoids - home treatment

When swelling and inflammation of the veins in the mucous membranes and soft tissues of the rectum, too, it is necessary to maintain a diet, intake of vitamins, minerals and proper hygiene. Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids is similar to the methods used to control external rectal thrombosis, but instead of ointments, gels and creams, candles are used. Suppositories act more quickly and produce a favorable effect, facilitating defecation, especially if constipation occurs.

An additional way to improve the condition when internal hemorrhoids progresses is treatment at home through gymnastics. Exercises help to strengthen the sphincters and normalize blood circulation in the rectum:

  1. Lying on the stomach, take turns straight up, 10 times each.
  2. Strain and relax the gluteal muscles. 5 seconds for squeezing and rest.
  3. Standing to make rotational movements with a basin.

Exacerbation of hemorrhoids - treatment at home

To relieve the recurrence of chronic pathology, it is necessary to find out its cause and eliminate it. Exacerbations often provoke violations of diet and constipation, so it is important to normalize the diet, soften the stool and adjust its frequency. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home with expressed symptoms is identical to the therapy described above, and depends on the intensity of clinical manifestations of the disease. To speed up the onset of remission, consultation with the proctologist will help.

Bleeding hemorrhoids - treatment at home

The presence on the toilet paper or underwear of red traces after defecation is the reason to immediately consult a doctor. It is necessary to find out why there was bleeding in hemorrhoids - treatment at home without an exact diagnosis is unacceptable. The cause of this symptom can be a rupture of the inflamed vein, the appearance of an anal fissure or fistula (perforation) of the rectum, and incorrect home therapy can cause complications.

The best cure for hemorrhoids

A universal drug that relieves all types of rectal thrombosis has not yet been developed. To cope with this disease it is possible, applying an integrated approach that combines systemic medicines and an effective remedy for hemorrhoids for external application. Folk recipes require careful use and preliminary agreement with the doctor. Unconventional treatment options for hemorrhoids at home often cause allergies and irritation of the mucous membranes, some alternative techniques provoke worsening of the symptoms of the disease.

The best ointment from hemorrhoids

The described dosage form is intended for therapy of already fallen inflamed veins, especially if they hurt, itch and bleed. Local preparations of combined composition contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic components, corticosteroid hormones and other potent substances. Therefore, ointment against hemorrhoids should be selected by the proctologist on the basis of the diagnosis and severity of symptoms.

Effective medicines:

The best candles from hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories are recommended for internal "nodes" and a combined disease. They remove puffiness, stop the formation of blood clots and bleeding, stop the pain syndrome. Due to the fat basis, such remedies improve the complex treatment of hemorrhoids - candles soften hard stools, facilitate defecation and eliminate constipation.

Effective suppositories:

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home is aimed at combating the causes of pathology, not only its symptoms. In parallel with local drugs that relieve the symptoms of the disease, you need to take systemic medications from hemorrhoids. They normalize the circulation in the veins and capillaries, strengthen the walls of the vessels and protect them from damage, stretching.

Hemorrhoids Tablets

Oral agents are designed to reduce blood viscosity, resorption of blood clots and prevent their re-formation. The best systemic medicines:

Even in the complex therapy of the disease include laxatives, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medication. What tablets to drink with hemorrhoids should be advised additionally by the proctologist, if you select them yourself, you can have negative consequences:

Hemorrhoids - treatment at home, Kondakova's method

The Internet is actively invited to try a unique way to get rid of rectal thrombosis, following the course of Sergei Kondakov. The author of this technology claims that his technique has no contraindications, is effective in the severe stages of hemorrhoids and is available to any person. It consists of carefully studied recipes of folk medicine and a set of special exercises. On the official page of S. Kondakov, there is no specific information on how to eliminate hemorrhoids - treatment at home (a method, instructions for making preparations, a description of gymnastics) is necessary to buy. There is no medical confirmation of the effectiveness of this therapy, except for the comments of supposedly healed buyers, so acquiring this course is a dubious decision.

How to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies?

Alternative ways to combat rectal thrombosis help to reduce the intensity of pain and the severity of concomitant disease symptoms. Proctologists recommend performing hemorrhoids treatment by folk methods at home only in conjunction with the course of prescribed medications, exercises and diet compliance. Neglect of conservative medicines is fraught with complications of pathology.

Unconventional treatment of hemorrhoids at home should be approved by a specialist. Some methods have a negative irritant effect on the damaged mucous membranes lining the rectum, which causes increased swelling, swelling of thrombosed veins and bleeding. The maximum acceptable and hypoallergenic are only two recipes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes

The presented technique is recommended for internal, external and combined forms of the disease. Freshly and cleaned tubers need to cut out elongated (4-5 cm) sticks of such thickness that they painlessly enter the anal opening, the edges of the "suppository" are better rounded. Candles from potatoes from hemorrhoids are injected in the evening, they should be left in the rectum for the whole night. Starch from tubers produces drying, hemostatic and vasoconstrictive effect. To treat the symptoms of pathology at home, you will have to perform 10 procedures.

If the hemorrhoids have already fallen out, compresses should be made instead of suppositories. Juice, squeezed from the pulp of grated raw potatoes, you need to soak a piece of sterile cotton wool and attach it to sore "cones". After 20 minutes, the lotion is removed, it can not be washed for an hour. For an additional analgesic effect potatoes or juice can be pre-cooled. With the combined form of hemorrhoids, it is desirable to use both candles from tubers, and compresses. This will help simultaneously cope with thrombi, reduce the size of the external "cones".

Sea-buckthorn oil from hemorrhoids

A natural product is prescribed even during pregnancy, because it is safe, effective and quickly helps, does not cause side effects and allergic reactions. There are ready-made rectal suppositories based on sea-buckthorn concentrated oil, which are inexpensively sold in pharmacy chains, but medicines can be manufactured independently. Treatment of hemorrhoids sea buckthorn in the home is done in two ways, depending on the nature of the disease: