How often to water carrots after planting?

Carrots - one of the most used in the kitchen vegetables from our hostesses. To present our traditional dishes without it is simply impossible. That is why most gardeners and truck farmers, even in small areas, try to grow at least a few beds of their ecologically clean root crops. However, carrots can not be called undemanding vegetables. Especially it concerns such important component of care of vegetables, as watering. But we will tell you whether to water the carrots after planting and how to carry out this procedure so that beautiful and tasty root crops grow on your beds.

Do I need to water the carrots after planting?

Of course, good soil and sufficient sunlight are important components, thanks to which any vegetable rises and grows intensively. But not one crop will be able to yield in the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture. This, in particular, applies to carrots. And this despite the fact that carrots can be called a fairly drought-resistant culture. But at the same time it is noticed that with insufficient amount of moisture in the soil, roughening of the core and peel of the vegetable takes place. And this can not but affect the taste of the root - it becomes bitter and lethargic. In addition, with prolonged dry weather, root crops grow small. However, it is important not to overflow beds with carrots - with excessive moisture, the vegetable tops grow actively, and the roots themselves do not grow sufficiently. That's why it's important to know how often to water the carrots after planting to eventually get a good harvest.

How often should you water the carrots after planting?

In general, watering is necessary and important in almost all stages of growth of carrots. Most intensively watered beds after the seed planting occurred to accelerate their germination. The best is the drip irrigation system, but the rain method, or ordinary watering from a hose with a small head of water, is also suitable. It is important that the moisture of the earth lasts for a long time, but does not evaporate, and after all the seeds of carrots rise quite a long time - one and a half to two weeks. Therefore, many experienced gardeners recommend that before the emergence of seedlings cover the beds with film or mulch (hay, crushed grass).

Next time the area where carrots grow is watered when the first shoots appear in rows and are also intensively watered.

Later, when thinking about when to water the carrots after planting during the intensive growth of seedlings, consider that the plant needs moisture approximately every four to five days on sunny warm days. If we talk about the volume of water, then the norm is about 4-5 liters per m & sup2. A little later the frequency of watering can be increased to six to seven days. For each square meter use up to 20-25 liters of water. Remember that you need watering and after every thinning of the beds of carrots.

First, the carrot develops a root system, is subsequently formed and the root crop itself. That's why it's important to systematically water, not from time to time, when it comes to your mind. The fact is that if you water the area with carrots regularly, the root will develop evenly and get a beautiful shape and good taste. Otherwise, when watering on the beds is carried out after a prolonged drought, carrots can crack and become bitter. That, of course, can not but affect the marketable form of the vegetable and its taste qualities. Fill the soil, where a fairly large root crop grows, should be at a depth of 25-30 cm.

Please note that the last watering of beds with carrots is recommended to be carried out approximately three weeks before harvesting.