How fast do hair grow?

Women always try to change the process of growing their hair. They dream that the scalp grows faster on the head, and the hair on the body - more slowly. But practically nobody knows how fast they grow and what affects it.

How quickly do hair grow on all parts of the body?

Scientists who study human hair, found that on average they grow at a speed of 3.5 mm for 10 days, it turns out about 1 cm per month. But this is not a constant value, it varies depending on the time of the year, the day, the type of hair and heredity.

In summer and during the day, hair grows faster than in winter and at night. In people with curly hair from nature, they become longer than in humans of the European race. If the hair is healthy, and the ancestors had no problems with their growth, then they can grow 2.5 cm per month.

Also, uneven growth, depending on the location on the body:

But many women are faced with a problem: in some places, hair grows faster than expected, but what it does not know. Everything can be related to nutrition, body skin care, hormonal bursts, as well as the process of their removal, for example: after shaving the hair on the legs, they grow very quickly than if epilation and depilation were performed.

How old do hair grow?

The bulb cells continue to divide until the end of human life, the only scientists note that the older a person becomes, the more his whole body is exhausted, so the hair becomes thinner, drier and shorter. This should be taken into account if desired, to grow them at the age of 40 years. The longest braids can grow to 20 years, then it will make it more difficult.

To accelerate the growth process, you should use some methods of stimulation, which in folk medicine and in modern cosmetology is very much.

How to make hair grow faster?

If there is a need to speed up the process of growing your hair, you can use the following methods:

  1. To improve nutrition and circulation to hair follicles, use masks made of pepper, honey, onion, mustard, oils and fruits. Do once a week for 3 months, then change the composition.
  2. Every evening, brush for 30 minutes with a soft massage brush.
  3. Refuse to use a hair dryer and hot tongs when laying.
  4. Take vitamins A and E.
  5. Use growth promoters: Dimexin, Retinola Acetate, burdock oil , etc.

To get long, but healthy hair should be turned to a hairdresser who will tell you effective means.