Gerbera room - care at home, the secrets of proper growing

Amateurs-flower growers grow in their apartments not only indoor flowers, but also those plants that are used to enjoying the garden. For example, gerbera room, care at home is very difficult, but if you observe certain growing conditions, then the flower will please you with a beautiful bloom.

Gerbera - species

The perennial herbaceous flowering herb plant is very thermophilic, so it is often grown in greenhouses or at home. Gerbera room has a powerful root system, a shorter stem and a rosette of leaves. On sturdy peduncles, single large inflorescences with a yellow center open. In nature, there are about 80 species of gerberas, but for indoor floriculture use a compact low-grained Djemson gerbera. At home in a pot you can grow such varieties of these flowers:

Gerbera flowers are like chamomile, but their colors are very different (except blue). Yellow flowers in such varieties of gerbera:

White flowers in varieties Polaris and Marlene, orange - in Sympathy, Orange Beauty. The red gerberas include varieties:

Gerbera room - growing

Some flower lovers acquire an adult gerbera plant and provide it with care at home. However, many are interested in growing a flower from seeds independently. When buying them in the store, check the expiry date, as the gerbera seeds will keep their germination for only 8 months from the date of collection. Growing room gerberas from seeds consists of the following stages:

  1. Harvesting of soil. It should be a loose soil mixture, which consists of perlite, leaf earth, sand and peat.
  2. The container for growing seeds must have drainage holes.
  3. At the bottom of the pot, pour the expanded clay with a layer of about 3 cm, and on top - the prepared earth mixture.
  4. The soil is spilled with water and spread on it seeds, slightly pressing them into the ground and sprinkling with sand.
  5. Install the container in place with a temperature of about + 20 ° C.
  6. The soil is moistened as it dries.
  7. After the emergence of shoots (after 8-12 days), plant seedlings in a large pot, observing between them a distance of 6-8 cm.
  8. As soon as there are 5-6 leaves on the seedlings, it must be transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of up to 10 cm, and later grown plants are transferred to containers with a diameter of up to 20 cm. Gerberas blossom in about 9-11 months.

Reproduction of gerbera

In addition to the above method of growing gerberas from seeds, reproduction at home of this plant can also take place in such ways:

  1. By dividing the bush. To do this, an adult house plant that has reached the age of four must be divided into several parts, each of which should have 2-3 growth points. With the received children to cut off all flowers, to cut roots, and cut off them with sprinkled coal. The new bush is planted in a separate pot so that the point of growth slightly rises above the surface of the earth.
  2. Cuttings. From an adult houseplant, cut the stem, which should have a part of the rhizome and 1-2 leaves. We plant the stem in a pot with a moistened substrate.

Gerbera room - care

Beginners should be aware that if the room gerbera has a home care sufficient, then the plant will develop well and beautifully bloom. But how to care for the room gerberas? To grow a flower in the home, you need to consider the natural cycles of its development:

  1. Spring. Plants wake up, they begin active growth, and then budding. Blooms gerbera before the beginning of June.
  2. Summer. Flowering stops because of the heat and too long a light day.
  3. Autumn. Flowering again resumes.
  4. Winter. In a season when the light day is shortening, the flower comes to a rest period. Care for him at this time should be to keep him in a cool room, reduce irrigation, stop feeding.

Gerberas in pots - care at home

Many amateur flower growers who have purchased this beautiful flower are interested in how to take care of a gerbera in a pot. To house plants pleased with beautiful flowers, you must follow such rules of care for him at home:

  1. Location and lighting. Since the gerbera is a light-loving plant, and its flowering is associated with the duration of a day's light, care consists in keeping the flower in a place with bright, but diffuse illumination. The room should be well ventilated.
  2. Top dressing. For this 3-4 times a month exclusively complex mineral fertilizers are used. But care with the help of organic gerbera does not tolerate at all, therefore it is impossible to add compost or fresh humus to the pot with soil.
  3. Pruning. In this care, a room flower does not need. But the flowers that have already wilted, should be broken (but not cut). So they will not inhibit further flowering and plant growth.

Gerbera transplantation at home

Did you see that the indoor plant was cramped in a pot? So, it should be transplanted into a container, a bit larger in size. Such withdrawal should be provided in the early spring. It should be remembered that if you immediately plant a young plant in a large container, then the gerbera at home will not throw away the color for a long time. In addition, you need to know how to transplant the gerbera after purchase. The plant you just bought should not be immediately transplanted. Within 14 days, the gerbera should get used to the new home conditions of detention, and only then it can be transplanted into new soil.

How to water a gerbera?

All flower lovers should know that the gerbera room, care at home for which includes and hydration, does not tolerate drought, so watering gerbera should be regular. Water should be used and not cold. Water the gerberas on the edge of the pot, but the water should not fall into the rosette of leaves. You can water the plant and the tray: pour water into it, and after half an hour the excess is drained off. Such care will eliminate stagnation of water and protect the plant from diseases. Once a day, especially in dry weather, the leaves of the room gerbera must be sprayed from the spray gun

Room Gerbera - Diseases

If care at home was not enough, then such diseases of room gerbera can appear:

  1. Spider mite , whitefly, aphids. It is planted on a plant contained in an excessively dry room with insufficient watering.
  2. Powdery mildew. Occurs when watering with cold water, sudden temperature fluctuations in the room.
  3. White, and also gray mold. Appears when excessively moist soil.