Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is Bekhterev's disease, it is named after a Russian doctor who first described the symptoms and etiology.

Spondyloarthritis ankylosing refers to chronic diseases that are prone to progression. It is characterized by inflammation of the joints of the spine, which as a result leads to impaired movement, and eventually the spine is paralyzed.

Classification and smptomas of ankylosing spondylitis

The classification of ankylosing spondylitis can be carried out according to several criteria:

Four variants are distinguished in the course of the disease:

Symptoms and stages of ankylosing spondylitis:

  1. The first stage. This stage is also called nagolnoy. During this period there is a restriction in the movements of the spine of a moderate nature. When carrying out an X-ray, one can see the unevenness of the joints in the sacral region, as well as the centers of osteosclerosis and the expansion of the joint slits.
  2. The second stage. During this period there is a moderate decrease in movements in the joints of the spine or in the peripheral joints. Articular fissures of the sacral region narrowed. At this stage, signs of ankylosis are possible.
  3. The third stage. This late stage is characterized by a significant restriction in the movement of the spine.

Also, doctors distinguish three stages of disease activity:

  1. At the minimal stage, the patient has slight stiffness of movements, especially in the morning hours. ESR at this is up to 20 mm / h.
  2. At a moderate stage of the patient, constant pain in the joints is disturbed, the duration of the stiffness of movements increases to 3-4 hours after awakening. ESR in this case is up to 40 mm / h.
  3. At a pronounced stage, the stiffness of the movements continues throughout the day and constant pains in the spine persist against it. At this stage, there is a subfebrile temperature, and the ESR exceeds 40 mm / h.

Also, doctors classify the degree of the disease according to the functionality of the joints:

  1. At the first degree there is a change in the bends of the spine, which is accompanied by limited movements in the joints and vertebrae.
  2. At the second degree the restriction in movements increases, because of what the patient receives the third degree of disability.
  3. At the third degree, ankylosis occurs in all parts of the vertebra and hip joints. Because of what is lost work capacity or there is the impossibility of self-service. At this degree the patient receives a disability of the first or second degree. At this stage, also possible juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, which is characterized by damage to the muscular structures.

Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis

The main way to diagnose ankylosing spondylitis is x-ray. It allows you to see roughly the irregularities joints, deformation, the size of cracks and other important information for establishing the stage of the disease.

Also in diagnosis, an important role is played by biochemical blood analysis and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine .

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis

With Bechterew's disease, doctors are now actively prescribing anti-inflammatory medications. The most popular of them is Diclofenac.

Also for the removal of inflammation, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed (for example, Prednisolone). Medications of this group are prescribed during the period of exacerbation for the removal of the inflammatory process.

Immunosuppressants - sulfasalazine, methotrexate, etc., are also prescribed to stop ankylosis.

During the periods of remission, thermal physiotherapy and respiratory gymnastics are beneficial in the patient's condition.