Reproduction of honeysuckle by cuttings

Honeysuckle is a shrub, so it can be planted with seeds, cuttings and the division of rhizomes. Reproduction of honeysuckle by cuttings is the most productive way of planting this plant. Seeds are usually used when there is no opportunity to purchase seedlings. But before you begin to do this, you should familiarize yourself with how to grow honeysuckle from cuttings.

How to propagate honeysuckle cuttings?

Green cuttings of honeysuckle are best prepared when their bases are just beginning to rustle, and the tops are still grassy, ​​but the first berries are already ripening. In this case, the probability of rooting is high. It is better to take the top part of the branch by removing the flowering buds. Cuttings should have 1-3 interstitial sites and 2-3 kidneys. The upper cut is made 1 cm above the node, and the lower one is 0.3-0.5 cm lower.

To make it more convenient to insert into the soil, the lower cut can be made obliquely. Leaves in the lower part should be removed, and the upper leaves should be left cutting a quarter of the leaf blade, if large, to reduce the evaporation of moisture.

Rooting of honeysuckle cuttings

It should be noted that the cuttings will not all take root. If you make a few scratches in the lower internode and hold the rooter, the rooting will be more successful. Cut cuttings should be put in water so that they accumulate moisture.

It is then advisable to treat the tips in a root-rooting solution (for example, indolylbutyric acid or heteroauxin).

Cultivation of honeysuckle cuttings is best done in a hotbed or greenhouse, where mixed sand and peat are poured onto fertilized soil in the proportion of 1: 1. Deepen the planting material by 1.5-2 cm. Then water and cover the greenhouse frames with polyethylene film. Recommended air temperature there should be + 25-30 °, and humidity - 90-95%.

To create the necessary level of moisture, water 3-5 times a day during hot days and at least 2 - in cool. It is better to use fog-forming sprayers, since the leaves must be covered with a moisture film, especially in the first days after their landing. Approximately 14 days later, small roots are formed, and a good root system develops towards the beginning of autumn. Also you can plant cuttings in the garden, but be sure to cover with a cut bottle of plastic, without interfering with the access of air. Water should be watered as the soil dries up, maintain a moderate soil moisture until the buds and growth appear on the cuttings and later watering as the top layer of the soil dries up.

Until spring, they cover the leaves with a layer of about 10 cm. The indicator that the seedlings have taken root is the emergence of sprouts. It is not recommended to immediately remove the shelter from the seedlings, and do it gradually. Finally, we need to remove cover from them only at the end of the summer.

Planting cuttings of honeysuckle

Before you dilute the honeysuckle with cuttings, you should prepare a place for their planting. This plant prefers sunny areas with fertilized soil. For planting, do not choose too dry, as well as wetland. Saplings should be protected from strong gusts of wind, because at the same time young leaves are damaged and berries fall. It is better to plant them next to the fence and maintain a distance of 1-1.5 m between plants.

Before planting, the saplings are cut off by broken branches and roots. The root cervix should be located with the soil on one level or not lower than 3 cm. To improve pollination, it is recommended to plant 2-3 different varieties . Do it better in the autumn (September 15-October 15), so the seedlings take root before the soil freezes.

By the end of the autumn young bushes should be covered with a pillow of foliage of fruit trees. And in the spring, honeysuckle will come to life and begin to grow already at a slight plus temperature.