Dangerous weeks of pregnancy

Waiting for a daughter or son is a happy time in the life of any woman. But even if it proceeds without special complications, for forty long weeks the organism of the future mother is substantially reconstructed. And during periods of the most intensive changes, the risk of abortion significantly increases - these weeks are considered to be the most dangerous during pregnancy.

What weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous?

Already on 3-5 weeks the first such period comes. If in the body of a pregnant woman at this time there is an inflammatory or other pathological process (uterine myoma, endometritis, etc.), then it can cause a miscarriage at an early stage.

The next dangerous time is the period of pregnancy from 8 to 12 weeks, when the placenta is actively growing and developing. If a woman is initially at risk (for example, at an inappropriate level of hormones), there is a possibility of deviations in the formation and growth of a child's place.

Chromosomal pathologies in the fetus are also a danger with which you can not joke. It is very important to register on time for pregnancy, and then go through the examination before the 12-week period.

In the second trimester, namely, from 18 to 22 weeks, rapidly develop all the systems of the baby's organs. During this period pregnant women are trapped by dangers of a different kind - the risks in the development of the child. Very important now is the balanced nutrition of the mother and timely ultrasound examinations.

Weeks of pregnancy from 28 to 32 are also dangerous. The risk of premature birth can provoke an abnormal position of the placenta, its aging or detachment, as well as the leakage of water and the opening of the cervix. A dangerous sign is a late gestosis - with his symptoms a woman needs to see a doctor urgently.

And, finally, it should be noted that during pregnancy a woman is susceptible to infectious diseases (especially in the autumn-winter period). They can weaken her body and also adversely affect the fetus.