Increased white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy - how dangerous is this indicator?

Faced with the situation when leukocytes are elevated in the smear during pregnancy, future mothers panic. This is due to the fact that often such a picture indicates the presence of the disease in the reproductive system. Consider this type of study in more detail, we will find out: because of what can be increased white blood cells in the smear during the current pregnancy.

Smear on the flora - the norm of leukocytes in pregnancy

To begin with, it must be said that the appearance of leukocyte cells in the smear on the microflora is not always a sign of pathology. These structures are also present in absolutely healthy women, but their number is insignificant. So the norm of leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy is set at a level of up to 15 cells in the field of view of the microscope. In some cases, in the absence of additional disorders, a clinical picture, doctors admit the presence and 20 leukocyte cells.

Why are white blood cells raised in the smear during pregnancy?

An increase in white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy is a reason for re-examination. If both, conducted with short intervals of analysis showed the same result, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination. When white blood cells are smeared during pregnancy, the causes of the disorder may be related to the presence of reproductive diseases, among them:

Leukocytes in the smear are elevated, but there is no infection

It is worth noting that leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy can be increased, but there is no infectious disease. This is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests. The doctors themselves associate such a phenomenon with a change in the hormonal background. With the onset of pregnancy there is a restructuring in the work of the hormonal system. This affects the functioning of the reproductive system. In addition, a decrease in local immunity can also be accompanied by an increase in the concentration of leukocytes.

However, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that signs of the pathological process may appear later. Many infections of the reproductive system have a latent flow, which requires specific methods of diagnosis (syphilis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, genital herpes). Often increased white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy are due to a disease such as candidiasis (thrush).

Often, in the absence of infection, the cause of elevated leukocytes is the dysbacteriosis of the intestine or vagina. The change in the normal composition of microorganisms in these organs causes a reaction of local immunity. Because of this, leukocytes appear in the smear during pregnancy and are fixed during the urogenital smear in pregnant women.

How to lower white blood cells in a smear?

Elevated white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy are an indication for additional examination. To exclude the possibility of medical error, an incorrect count of leukocytes, the analysis is re-submitted. When the result is confirmed, a course of therapy is prescribed. Treatment doctors are selected individually, based on the results obtained, the stage of the disease, the severity of its symptoms, the presence or absence of additional diseases.

Leukocytes in a smear - treatment, preparations

A large number of white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy requires medical intervention. When compiling the algorithm of therapeutic effect, take into account the gestation period, the state of health of the pregnant woman, the sensitivity of the detected microorganisms to antibiotics. The drugs used are selected taking into account the cause that caused the increase in leukocytes. So, with candidamycosis, antifungal medicines are used:

In cases where the cause of the increase in leukocyte structures is gonorrhea, another sexual infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Among the permitted during the bearing of the baby:

How to lower leukocytes in a smear with folk remedies?

When a lot of white blood cells are fixed in the smear during pregnancy, folk therapy can come to the aid of a woman. In this case, any use of medicinal herbs should be consistent with the doctor. Among the effective recipes:

  1. Chamomile. 2 tablespoons of flowers are brewed in 500 ml of water, brought to a boil, cooled. Douching is carried out, 2 times a day, before the placement of vaginal suppositories prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Aloe and honey juice. The ingredients are taken in equal parts, applied to a cotton-gauze swab, injected into the vagina before bed. Course 15 days.
  3. Sitting baths with chamomile, nettle, bark of oak, St. John's wort. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, prepare the mixture. 4 tablespoons pour water 45-50 degrees and make the bath.