What to do with epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disease, manifested periodically by convulsive seizures. As a rule, the onset of such an attack in a person frightens nearby people and in confusion many can not adequately help the patient. But it should be understood that first aid in such cases should be provided quickly and correctly in order to avoid dangerous consequences of an attack. Therefore, information about what to do when cramping with epilepsy is relevant for everyone.

What to do during an attack of epilepsy?

As a rule, before the onset of an attack a patient with epilepsy has symptoms such as:

Noticing these manifestations, especially from a familiar person with whom epileptic seizures have already occurred, one should prepare for a seizure in this way:

  1. Remove all dangerous items nearby (sharp, glass, electrical appliances, etc.).
  2. Ask simple questions to test your reactive abilities.
  3. Provide access to fresh air.
  4. Help to free the patient's neck from tight clothes.

If convulsions began, a person falls, he has foam from his mouth, the following actions are necessary:

  1. Remove, loosen tightening clothing to facilitate breathing.
  2. If possible, put the patient on a flat surface, put something soft under his head.
  3. Do not make excessive efforts, try to turn the patient's head to the side in order to avoid blocking the respiratory tract with tongue, saliva, and in case of vomiting - gently turn sideways whole body.
  4. If the jaws are not strongly folded, it is advisable to place a tissue tourniquet between the teeth to prevent biting the tongue.
  5. If you stop breathing temporarily, check your pulse .
  6. With involuntary urination, cover the lower part of the patient's body with a cloth or polyethylene, so that the smell does not irritate him.

Cramps stop on their own after a few minutes. If the attack does not end after 5 minutes, you should call an ambulance.

What can not be done with epilepsy?

During an attack it is forbidden:

  1. Move the patient from the place where the attack occurred (except for dangerous places for the person - the roadway, the pond, the edge of the cliff, etc.).
  2. Hold a person by force in one position and open his jaws.
  3. Drink the sick, give him medicine.
  4. Perform heart massage and artificial respiration (resuscitative measures are only necessary, if the attack happened in the pond and water penetrated into the respiratory tract).

What to do after an attack of epilepsy?

At the end of the attack, you can not leave the patient alone. Usually it takes about 15 minutes to normalize the condition. It should be helped to provide a person with physical and psychological comfort (to put in a convenient place, in a public place, politely ask the curious to disperse, etc.). Often patients after the attack need a full sleep, so you should try to provide him with the conditions for rest.