36 weeks of pregnancy - how many months?

Many expectant mothers, especially at the latest gestational age, have difficulty in calculating the duration of their pregnancy. Often they try to understand: 36 weeks of pregnancy - how many months, and how to count correctly. Let's take a closer look at the calculation algorithm and also consider the features of the development of the fetus at this time.

35-36 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

First it is necessary to say that the duration of the gestation period is fixed in the so-called obstetric weeks, namely, they call the duration of pregnancy of the doctors to the future mother. At the same time, during the calculations, for simplification, doctors take 1 month exactly 4 weeks, in spite of the fact that some may contain 4.5.

Thus, to a woman to calculate how much this is in the months - 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is enough to divide by 4. As a result, it turns out that this is exactly 9 obstetric months. The age of the fetus is 2 weeks less.

The thing is that when setting the gestational age, doctors take the first day of the last month for the reference point. Conception is possible only during ovulation, which occurs about 2 weeks after the start of the cycle.

In order not to get confused with the calculations and to establish exactly how many months this is - 36 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can use a table in which everything is painted by months and trimester.

What happens to a future child at this time?

Growth of the fetus at this time reaches 44-45 cm. It occupies almost all the free space in the mother's abdomen. The body weight at this point is 2.4-2.5 kg.

The child begins to learn how to produce a respiratory act through the nasal cavity, until this moment the future baby performs movements resembling the respiratory, with the mouth (swallows and releases the amniotic fluid back). In this case, as is known, the lungs themselves do not work, and are in a folded state. Required oxygen baby gets on the bloodstream from his mother.

The fetus already hears enough. Moreover, he can already remember some sounds and starts to distinguish them. For example, when my mother starts talking to him, he becomes quiet.

The number of perturbations at this time is significantly reduced. This is due to the large size of the baby and the lack of free space. In this case, in most cases, the future mother only notes 1-2 movements in 10-15 minutes, which is usually considered the norm.

Often at such a time, the abdomen may drop. In this case, the head enters the small pelvis, and the fetus takes its final position. Mom feels relief, breathing improves. There is not much time left until the delivery itself, which can not but rejoice.