Tremor of the hands - causes

The trembling of the hands is a physiological or pathological phenomenon, familiar to all of us. For a healthy person, a permanent tremor is not typical. It can manifest itself sometimes, for example, because of feelings or lack of sleep. However, there are many people who are constantly shaking hands and this already requires expert advice.

Tremor of the head is less common, although it also occurs. Usually tremors of the head and arms have the same reasons, which should be disassembled in more detail.

Causes of hand tremor

The reasons for the appearance of trembling in the hands, as is known, there are many. Here is a list of the main factors of the onset of physiological tremor:

  1. Strong stress, depression, anxiety, a sense of fear - in a word, what is connected with the emotional load. For example, very often there is tremor in the hands of excitement before the exam or performance in public. Often, a tremor that occurs for these reasons passes through a time and does not require treatment. Although sometimes the help of a psychologist is still necessary.
  2. Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, inveterate smoking, drug overdose or even vitamins. All this leads to an increased burden on some organs, especially the heart, which in turn leads to an effect of excitement, anxiety and often to tremor of hands. For example, the causes of tremor in divorced fingers are the regular abuse of alcohol.
  3. Excessive physical activity, hypothermia. Any physical activity should be within normal limits, so as not to cause overstrain of the muscles. You can not also allow supercooling, as in general, the whole body, and partial, which can be caused, for example, by a draft. The causes of tremor in the arms and legs can be in the elementary overstrain of the muscles after a long swim or running.

Tremor, the causes of which are described above, is absolutely harmless to the body and passes by itself. The exception is the second point - in this case it is necessary to limit the use of the substance that causes tremor.

It is much more difficult to get rid of the pathological tremor that may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Essential syndrome - causes uneven hand trembling. For example, it can cause a tremor only the right hand or cause tremor of the left arm. In general, the propensity to this is inherited and manifests itself often in old age.
  2. Parkinson's disease - causes a so-called circular tremor, when the hands perform involuntary rotational movements. This disease occurs mainly in people after 55 years.
  3. Damage to the cerebellum or brainstem can be the cause of intentional tremor. This is a strong hand tremor, characterized by sweeping movements.

Damage to the brain stem or cerebellum can contribute to such diseases:

Treatment of hand tremors

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the tremor. Perhaps tremor is just an alarming sign that something has gone wrong in the body. Treating tremor will depend heavily on the causes of its tremendousness and will most likely consist in neutralizing these causes.

As already mentioned, tremors do not always carry a danger to health, so first of all you should look at yourself - perhaps, as often happens, it is only in your emotional overstrain. So everything will be decided, as soon as you put your emotions in order.