Monthly for ectopic pregnancy

It is unfortunate that not always two long-awaited cherished stripes on the test end with a happy addition to the family. No matter how regrettable the fact, but according to statistics, about 5% of the total number of pregnancies falls on the ectopic.

The reasons for this pathology are different:

Self-diagnosis of gynecological ailment is almost impossible, because its signs, necessarily appearing for 3 weeks, are very similar to the signs of a normal pregnancy. Consider one of these - spotting or so-called monthly for ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy: are there monthly?

Due to the action of the hormone progesterone, the onset of menstruation as such with ectopic pregnancy is impossible. It is often taken from the female genitalia blood, after some time after conception. It occurs as a result of separation of the functional layer of the endometrium of the uterus (decidua), and, as a rule, comes out in the form of dark brown spotting discharge, in consistency resembling coffee grounds. Sometimes such discharge can be ignored by a woman, which eventually leads to late diagnosis of abnormal ectopic pregnancy. Separation of parts of the most decidual envelope can also be taken for incomplete abortion (miscarriage) with normal pregnancy, that is, their differentiation is rather difficult.

A woman should also be alerted to the moment when, on time or with a delay of several days, "monthly" starts, which during ectopic pregnancy are very meager and accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which gives into the rectum. If suddenly such pain becomes acute and severe, bleeding begins, this indicates a rupture of the uterine tube and the need for urgent treatment for qualified medical assistance for an urgent operation.

In addition to the rupture of the fallopian tube, with the ectopic pregnancy, the monthly dark brown color is also due to rupture of the wall of the fetal egg and its exit into the abdominal cavity. In this situation, the pain quickly abates, but in spite of this, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to perform "cleaning" (scraping) of the uterine cavity.

Thus, it should be remembered that the monthly pregnancy, in spite of everything, is an abnormal phenomenon. Any, even insignificant spotting requires an in-depth consultation of the obstetrician-gynecologist. After all, when they appear on the term from 4 weeks of pregnancy, you can already do much to save the future baby, but in case of an ectopic pregnancy - in time to diagnose it in order to prevent a threat to the life of a woman and to prevent possible complications in her reproductive system. The benefit of modern medical technology today in most cases allow it to do without harming the health of the future mother.