The fetal head is located low

The low position of the fetal head during pregnancy is not a pathology, but a peculiarity of the organism. Normally, the fetus falls to the bottom of the pelvis on the thirty-eighth week, but sometimes it happens at the time of twenty weeks. Although this is not the norm, do not panic with this diagnosis.

There are several reasons for the low location of the fetal head. These include anatomical features of the structure of the pelvis of the mother, inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, excessive physical exertion. To avoid this situation, a woman needs to be more attentive to herself. In some cases, this can not be avoided, but despite these features, many women wear out their babies up to the date of delivery, prescribed by the doctor.

Symptoms of the lowered fetal head

The main feature of this position of the fetus is prolonged pain in the lower abdomen of the aching nature. From time to time a woman can notice spotting. This is due to the fact that the low position of the fetus is accompanied by a low position of the placenta, which does not have time to stretch behind the constantly growing uterus. This situation provokes an abruption of the placenta , and this bleeding arises from the vessels of the uterus.

The danger of this situation is a constant threat of the onset of oxygen starvation of the fetus, which can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. There is also a belief that if the head of the fetus is located very low, then the daughter will appear on the light. But this is not confirmed scientifically.

Recommendations of a doctor with a low lying fetal head

This position of the fetus requires special attention both from the physician and from the mother herself. Often a low location causes a woman to be diagnosed with a threat of abortion. But at the same time, the future mother must have constant complaints about the painful tone of the uterus, on ultrasound determine a shortened cervix (up to two centimeters).

The treatment is carried out in a hospital. At the same time they try to prolong the pregnancy and medically prepare the baby's lungs for functioning outside the mother's womb. Earlier, the cervix is ​​sewn or a special ring is used.

If the fetal head strongly presses on the internal organs of the small pelvis, a woman can become aggravated by hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to rationalize your diet in such a way as to avoid constipation. Eat foods rich in fiber, a sufficient amount of fluid and have an adequate physical condition to exercise. Pregnant with a low position of the fetal head is recommended to wear bandages that reduce the frequency of the appearance of the tone of the uterus and reduce the pressure of the fetus.