Dead Lake

Madagascar is an island whose main asset is its natural resources: forests, waterfalls , lakes , rivers , geysers and many other beautiful sights . The island is unique not only by its origin, but also by its inhabitants - many species of animals and birds are found only in Madagascar. A lot of riddles and legends are surrounded by this state, and one of the most intriguing places is the Dead Lake.

What is unusual about the pond?

The lake is located near the city of Antsirabe, which is the third largest settlement on the island. The shores of the pond are clamped with granite slabs, and the water seems almost black. Its color does not affect the cleanliness of the lake, but rather it is connected with its depth, which is 400 m.

Legends and mysteries about the Dead Lake of Madagascar goes a lot, including the most terrible. But the most mysterious phenomenon, which can not be explained either by local residents or scientists, is that no one has yet managed to cross this lake. It would seem that such a modest size (50/100 m) can conquer even a schoolboy, but nevertheless the phenomenon still does not find an answer. One of the most probable versions is the composition of the water, in the lake it is very salty, so it is almost impossible to move around in it. It is probably the composition of the water that gives an answer to the question why there are no living beings in the Dead Lake of Madagascar. Yes, even the simplest organisms did not find life here. Hence the name of the lake is the Dead.

How to get there?

From the city ​​of Antsirabe it will be most convenient to reach by taxi or a rented car .