Heart prolapse

Through the valves located between the openings of the chambers of the heart, the blood is moved. So that the blood does not return back, the valves close. Often develop their various pathologies, one of the most dangerous is the prolapse of the heart. In this case, the valves do not close completely, as a result of which the blood is back-cast. The disease is characterized by favorable prognosis, but the risk of complications is very high.

Heart valve prolapse

As a rule, this ailment is not congenital, but only arises in response to the failure of the body's work in the presence of any diseases. Usually they occur at birth and subsequently weaken the heart muscle.

There are following reasons for the development of this disease:

  1. Rheumatism. The defeat of tissues usually occurs after the transferred angina . However, the inflammation is also transmitted to the heart, whose fibers are destroyed faster by bacteria, which ultimately leads to a prolapse of the neutral heart valve.
  2. Damage to the sternum. Various injuries can lead to a violation of the integrity of the chord valves, which provokes serious complications.
  3. Ischemia and heart attacks. Such diseases significantly worsen the condition of the heart and its blood flow. In severe situations chord separation can occur.

Symptoms of heart prolapse

The ailment remains for a long time unnoticed, and it is found out at the next physical examination. The most common signs are:

The prolapse of the central heart valve is detected in the audition, to which everyone is subjected during a physical examination.