Herniated hernia - causes and treatment without surgery, surgically

Herniation of the spine often causes back pain. Its education is typical for people 30-50 years old. To eliminate it, surgical and non-surgical methods can be recommended, the choice depends on the causes and the condition of the patient.

Herniated discs - what is it?

All the vertebrae are separated by discs - original pads that protect the bone from damage during movement and provide flexibility of the entire post. They consist of two parts - a pulp kernel (semiliquid contents) and a fibrous ring (dense shell). The intervertebral hernia is formed as a result of damage to the disc and the bulging of the plastic component clamping the nerve endings of the spinal cord.

This leads to uncomfortable sensations, a worsening of the sensitivity of the limbs and a malfunction of the functions of the internal organs. Often there is an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region, in the thoracic and cervical parts it appears less often. For the emergence is not necessary serious load, sometimes enough careless movement, especially in the presence of provoking factors.

Hernia of the spine - causes

The main prerequisites for the development of the problem are:

Vertebral hernia can be provoked by other, less obvious factors:

  1. Floor. Women are more likely to encounter trauma.
  2. Low physical activity. Power drives are due to deep back muscles, if they do not get the necessary movement, then the interlayer between the vertebrae becomes less strong.
  3. Height above 170 cm and age over 30 years.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Subcooling.
  7. Lack of mobility - work at a computer, driving a car, violation of posture.
  8. High intensity of training - excessive workload or sudden movement without a warm-up can lead to damage to the fibrous membrane.

Herniated spine - symptoms

The main manifestation is pain, which can vary depending on the location of the lesion. If there is a vertebral hernia, the symptoms of discomfort can be supplemented by a violation of the functions of other organs:

Herniated lumbar spine

The pain sensations in this case are sharp and burning, this is due to a strong effect on the nerve roots, located side by side. Most often affects the back of the body. Herniated lumbar spine is manifested:

Hernia of thoracic spine

This trouble brings more other difficulties in the diagnosis, because it masquerades as heart or gastrointestinal diseases. Pain in the hernia of the spine is located in the chest, but can descend into the upper abdomen. Other characteristic manifestations are:

Hernia of the spine can manifest itself with varying strength, it depends on the degree of impact of the disc dropped on the nerve roots or spinal cord. How to treat an intervertebral hernia is determined after diagnosis and detection of the intensity of the lesion. If the upper part of the department is damaged, complete paralysis is possible, in which only the head retains motor functions, but such cases are very rare.

Herniated cervical spine

Violation in this department occurs in 19% of cases, which makes it the second most popular. The danger is a close connection with important internal organs, so a delay in treatment can lead to serious problems. If a hernia of the cervical spine has formed, the symptoms can spread throughout the upper body:

Syndromes of a hernia of a backbone

All the unpleasant sensations that causes the intervertebral hernia, the symptoms that speak of squeezing nerves, without treatment progress. Syndromes can develop on their background, which will worsen the state of health even more.

  1. Vertebrate. Because of constant pain, spinal cord spasms begin, which increases the intensity of the sensations. They do not allow to fully straighten, limiting lumbar mobility, curving the posture, causing skewing in a healthy way. The size of the hernia of the spine and direction affects its consequences. When exposed to the spinal cord, problems of the function of the connected parts of the body are necessarily found.
  2. Radicular. If the roots of the spinal cord are squeezed for a long time, then they will die off. The result will be deterioration of tissue nutrition and progression of impaired motor ability. The muscles of the legs weaken first, making it impossible to sit up and climb the stairs, then their atrophy comes, paralysis may occur. The sensitivity of the skin decreases, and the sweating process may be disturbed. The work of the pelvic organs worsens.

Herniated hernia - diagnosis

To see the deformation of the disk allows tomography - computer or magnetic resonance imaging. The latter is preferable, because it better shows the state of soft tissues. It shows not only the hernia of the spine, but also provides an assessment of the level of narrowing of the spinal canal. If this method is unacceptable, then use contrast myelography. The intervertebral hernia often has symptoms similar to other diseases. To exclude them, you may need an ECG, a radiograph or a gastroscopy.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery

In some cases, surgery is not required, a positive effect will occur after taking medication and other recommendations of the doctor. How to treat a spinal hernia should be determined by a specialist based on the degree of the disease. It is important to understand that without treatment or with disregard for appointments, the problem quickly progresses, which will make it possible to visit the operating table.

Hernia of the spine - treatment, medicines

The scheme is selected individually, sometimes a consultation of several specialists is required. Taking medications can supplement gymnastics with a spinal hernia or special procedures. Monotherapy is also possible, but complex effects are often used. The following groups of drugs are used.

  1. NSAIDs. There are in the form of ointments or tablets ( Diclofenac , Ibuprofen, Indomethacin). Quickly eliminate pain, but harm the gastrointestinal tract, so they are used in combination with protector drugs (Omeprazole, Almagel).
  2. Novocaine blockade. Eliminates severe pain, the effect lasts 20 days. Treatment of intervertebral hernia in this way is often not carried out, because it can lead to atrophy of ligaments.
  3. Hondoprotectors. Effective at an early stage of the disease, help to restore cartilage tissue ( Teraflex , Structum).
  4. Muscle relaxants. Relax musculature, removing spasms (Sirdalud, Midokalm).
  5. Corticosteroids. They take away the inflammation, but can not be used for a long time (Decadron, Metiprednison).

Herniated spine - physiotherapy

The procedures are not applied on their own, they only support the basic treatment. Produce the following effects:

Herniated disc is treated with the following approaches.

  1. Electrophoresis. It helps to deliver the medicine to the site of inflammation, it uses direct current.
  2. Phonophoresis. The procedure is similar, but ultrasound is used.
  3. Electrostimulation. Relaxes the muscles and normalizes the lymph flow, the effect is made with the help of alternating current pulses.
  4. Magnetotherapy. It is not a method of treatment, it only helps to strengthen the effectiveness of other drugs.
  5. Laser therapy. It helps to relieve inflammation and pain, improves regeneration.

Exercises with a hernia of the spine

This method is used only in the absence or after the removal of severe pain. Treatment of a hernia of the spine involves systematic training without heavy loads. The effect does not occur immediately, the dynamics will have to be monitored by periodic checks on the MRI. All exercises are performed from the prone position, very slowly and smoothly. It is recommended 10-12 repetitions, if there is soreness or severe obstruction of movement, it is necessary to stop the occupation.

  1. Twisting of the upper part of the trunk. Legs on the width of the shoulders, arms crossed on the chest, the body unfolds first into one, then to the other side. Below the waist, the body must remain stationary.
  2. Tilting lying down. The position is similar, the upper part first tilts to the left, then to the right. Amplitude recommended maximum, but without discomfort.
  3. Turn your hips. Legs are straight, hands are pressed with palms to the floor, slightly apart on the sides. When you turn your hips your legs should stay together.
  4. Sliding feet. The position is identical to the previous one, legs together. They are moved one way or the other, straining the lumbar and lateral muscles.

Surgery to remove the hernia of the spine

This measure is the last when conservative methods no longer work. This can happen if the treatment is too late and the doctor or ignoring the prescribed treatment regimen. If the condition worsens, the removal of the intervertebral hernia will be the only option. It is necessary to realize that it:

Herniated spine - types of operations

  1. Discectomy. It is supposed to remove the disk - in whole or in part. It is performed through a cut about 8 cm under general anesthesia. It is considered an obsolete approach because of the slow recovery and the need for antibiotic therapy for 10 days in the hospital.
  2. Endoscopy. It is carried through a 5 mm incision using microscopic tools. The removal of a spinal hernia in this way is more common, because there is no muscle damage, which ensures rapid healing. The operation is quick, an extract the next day. It takes about 3 weeks to completely recover. The downside is the risk of recurrence and the need for spinal anesthesia.
  3. Microdiscectomy. The incision is 4 cm, performed under a microscope and general anesthesia. It is often used, the nerve is released without damage to the muscles. Helps to remove several violations, in the patient's hospital leave no longer than 3 days.
  4. Nucleoplasty. The most modern method, the hernia of the spine is eliminated under local anesthesia. The effect is carried out by laser, plasma or radiofrequency beams through needles 2-3 mm in diameter. As a result, the pressure on the nerve decreases, the pain is eliminated. Extract is made in a few hours. Suitable only for hernias no more than 7 mm.

Herniated hernia - rehabilitation after surgery

The speed and quality of recovery depends on the correct rehabilitation. After removal of the hernia of the spine, an integrated approach is recommended, its components are selected individually.

  1. Medicines. Are appointed to eliminate pain, accelerate healing, prevent the occurrence of complications.
  2. Physiotherapy. Improves the effectiveness of other methods.
  3. Exercise therapy. It restores muscle activity, improves mobility of the vertebrae.
  4. Sanatorium restoration. Implies a set of procedures - baths, applications, massage.