Demodecosis in dogs - treatment, important advice in the fight against the disease

All kinds of pets are susceptible to skin diseases. Especially widespread is a disease such as demodecosis in dogs: it takes a lot of effort to treat it, so it is traditionally considered difficult to treat. Leaving a pet without treatment is not worth it: its signs progress and worsen the general condition of the animal.

Demodecosis in dogs - symptoms

On the basis of the signs of the disease, it can be quickly diagnosed, so what the demodecosis looks like in dogs should be known to the owner of any breed. The following symptoms will help isolate the problem from the mass of similar ones:

  1. Uncertain localization. The lesion can be located on a small area of ​​the skin or cover most of the epidermis. The less skin is affected, the weaker the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Severe itching. The animal can itch for hours, ignoring the master's attempts to stop combing.
  3. Bubble inflammation. According to this symptom, veterinarians quickly recognize demodicosis in dogs - treatment, as a rule, begins immediately. In the blisters with the naked eye you can see the contents of a brick or clay color.
  4. Dry flakes. Near the localized inflammation, the wool is stuck together and particles appear that resemble dandruff.

Types of Demodecosis in Dogs

The doctor needs to correctly determine the type of disease in order to make the right choice of medicine. There are several forms of demodectosis of different severity:

  1. Focal form. It is considered less dangerous than possible, because small foci are easier to treat. On the body of the dog there are 3-6 affected areas: if the dog has strong immunity, it is capable of self-healing.
  2. Generalized form. The outbreaks are expanding - and this process is difficult to control. On hairless areas, the skin thickens due to the build-up of a large number of scales. They tighten the skin and aggravate the itch, and there is an unpleasant odor from the wounds.
  3. Juvenile demodecosis in dogs. It occurs in puppies, whose age does not exceed 6-12 months. They are born with reduced immunity due to the fact that their mother was sick. Hypersensitivity to these parasites is the reason for their rapid multiplication.

Demodecosis in dogs - stage of the disease

Veterinarians have long argued about whether the first stage of demodecosis can be considered a predisposition to it. Not every dog ​​is prone to this disease - you need a special individual reaction to the tick. The skin of a dog is susceptible to it if it has hormonal corticosteroid disorders, deformations of the hair follicles, atony, or suppression of immunity. When the infection has already occurred, veterinarians divide the development of the disease into such stages:

Demodecosis in dogs causes

In dogs demodicosis cause small pincers like Demodex , existing in all countries of the world. A parasite with an elongated body shape attaches itself to the base of the hair and begins to feed on its cells. Suckers on the paws and proboscis of an insect do not allow the dog to get rid of it. Symptoms of demodicosis in dogs begin to progress when the mite begins to multiply and move along the body of the carrier. He creates all the conditions for pustules, because for his pupae a vital infectious environment is vitally important.

How to cure demodicosis in a dog?

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in the laboratory: the doctor takes a scraping and examines it under a microscope. Only under condition of detection of the pathogen on scales are appointed profile preparations for treatment of demodecosis in dogs. Treatment is considered difficult, because all drugs work on adults, without affecting the eggs and insects in a state of "hibernation." It is effective provided that a certain scheme is followed:

  1. Revision of the diet and maintenance of the dog. To increase immunity, the animal should be given a medical feed and provide a sterile living environment. The couch, toys and comb are treated with mild detergents.
  2. Elimination of hormonal abnormalities. Restoration of the lack of hormones begins with the intake of low-dose drugs with a minimum of side effects.
  3. Etiotropic therapy. When demodicosis is seriously started in dogs, treatment with hormones and proper nutrition is inadequate. Etiotropes are medicament preparations that transport antiparasitic components into the hair follicle and coarsen skin. They kill the ticks that have penetrated into the skin, which is not afraid of external treatment.

Braevcto with demodectic in dogs

"Braveco" - a safe drug of a new generation with a powerful preventive effect. To prevent infection with mites and fleas, "Bravecto" is given to pets before going to a dacha or picnic. Drug producers know how to treat demodicosis in dogs: they promise a 100% result already 2 hours after taking the dose. "Braveto" is prescribed, based on the weight of the animal: the optimal calculation involves the use of 25-50 mg per 1 kg of dog weight.

Ivermek with demodectic dogs

The most popular drug among combination drugs is "Ivermek" - a mixture of ivermectin and vitamin E. The scheme of treatment of demodicosis in dogs is in intramuscular injections with a micellar rapidly dissolving form of resorption. Ivermek has several advantages over other medicines:

Foresto from demodecosis of dogs

Not every host has the time and financial resources to clinically treat a mild demodectic form. It is easiest to eliminate it with the help of long-acting agents, the active component of which accompanies the animal for a whole day. The remedy for demodicosis in dogs in the form of a collar "Foresto" is intended for the destruction of ixodid ticks and withers. Imidacloprid and flumethrin in its composition may be dangerous for pregnant dogs.

Novomec with demodectic treatment in dogs

Novomek is a solution for injections against ovarian diseases, nematodes and sarcoptoidosis. Dog disease, demodicosis, is treated with the drug for 1-2 weeks, causing paralysis of the tick respiratory system. The death of the parasite occurs if it has already penetrated the skin. Before the appointment of "Novomek" immunomodulatory therapy is carried out, because it can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases in weakened pets.

Gamavit in demodicosis in dogs

Together with "Novomek" you can apply " Gamavit " - it just helps to balance the exchange processes. The drug from the denatured placenta contains amino acids and vitamins. All preparations from demodicosis in dogs should be combined with it in order to eliminate toxins, increase body weight and prevent anemia. Its main advantage is the absence of any contraindications and consequences.

Demodecosis in dogs - treatment at home

If the animal is prone to allergies , medicines can worsen the situation with scratching and pustular lesions. Treatment of demodicosis with folk remedies takes more than one month, but it always brings a noticeable result while some pharmacy products only bring temporary improvement. Natural treatment consists in the use of decoctions, ointments and compresses:

  1. Birch tar for dogs against demodicosis may involve washing the animal with tar soap or applying a pure extract to the bald areas of the skin.
  2. Tincture of calendula on an alcohol basis regulates the excretory work of sebaceous glands and dries crusts.
  3. Clearly manifested demodecosis in dogs treatment with poultices and ointments based on animal fat can take control. Fat melts in a water bath and mixes with a small amount of essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree and cloves.