How many live the Chihuahua?

Many dog ​​breeders tend to think of the Chihuahua as an ideal breed for older people, lonely, limited in movement. They are well aware of the change of mood of their master and always want to be near him. Even in the representatives of many older breeds, such devotion does not exist. These little creatures will easily abandon the noisy company of their relatives for the sake of their proximity to their master, and will come running at his first call. Many people prefer to have a Chihuahua at home. After all, they do not need a special expensive haircut , care for long hair. They do not have a strong pronounced smell of "dog", like other shaggy pets. When buying a puppy, future owners are interested in how many Chihuahua dogs live, and how often do they get sick? Let's try to answer these and some other most common questions.

A little bit about the history of the Chihuahua breed

Quite a lot depends on who, where this breed of dogs appeared, and for what purposes its people were taken out. The first Chihuahua appeared in Mexico. Even the name of the breed coincides with the name of the largest state of this country. Their ancestors are called techichi dogs, which were known to the ancient Indians for 1,500 years before our era. When the Spaniards appeared in America, there was a crossing of teicichi with Chinese crested dogs that lived on alien ships. These nimble and small dogs were used to hunt for rats, which greatly interfered with the mariners. Later, Mexicans began to sell amusing babies to visiting tourists who liked colorful miniature cuties with complaisant character. Many years passed before the official standard of the Chihuahua breed was established. It happened only in 1923, after the emergence of the National Club of this breed.

How many years live chihuahua?

On average, dogs live about 12-15 years. Sexual development begins in most breeds in about three years, depending on the breed of the pet. Our Chihuahuas start growing much earlier. At the age of 12 months they reach maturity. Can it adversely affect their health, and babies die sooner than large dogs? How many years live the dog Chihuahua? Let future owners calm down. This breed can even be attributed to dogs-long-livers. Their average life expectancy ranges from 12-15 years. There are quite a few cases when some pets have overcome this limit, living out quite often even up to 20 years.

Sometimes people ask how many mini chihuahuas live? Buying a miniature dog should be as cautious as possible. Officially, there is no such breed, just kids, who give less than the standard size for mini or supermini. Sometimes even for advertising purposes they overestimate the age of the puppy and underestimate the real weight. If the dog really was born and grew too small, then the probability of various deviations and deterioration of health in the future is very high. Better buy normal standard Chihuahua with a proven pedigree.