Design of cabinets in the hallway

The first room in which your guest enters is the hallway. Therefore, it is very important, what impression from the design of the corridor he will have. And that the effect was unforgettable, the selection of furniture for the hallway should be taken responsibly.

First of all, cabinets, shelves and pedestals in the corridor should be practical and functional. They should not take up much space in the hallway, especially if the room is small. Therefore, the most acceptable option is to use today's popular cabinets for storing things and shoes in the corridor.

Types of closets for the hallway

Most often, this closet is made the size of the entire wall, while sliding doors allow you to save considerable free space in the hallway. The closet itself is very space-saving and allows you to store in it outerwear and hats, shoes and various accessories. Install in the hallway wardrobe with a mirror, decorated with various drawings.

Another common type of furniture in the hallway is the built-in corner cabinet, which solves the problem of storing a lot of things, and at the same time the corridor seems neat and spacious. There are many designs of built-in wardrobes in the hallway. Very often such a wardrobe in the hallway is made with mezzanines and is divided into two parts: in one open part on the shelves and hooks is the clothes that are worn just today, and in the closed part the remaining things are stored.

You can install a closed chest in the corridor, in which all things are stored behind doors that are closed in the usual way. And although this closet takes up more space in the corridor, it looks great, especially in the classic interior of the hallway.

Very often, especially in small hallways, open cabinets with a seat are used. This closet looks visually much smaller due to the fact that there is no deaf facade in it. However, since all clothes are visible in the open cabinet, you need to constantly monitor the order in it. It will be very comfortable to sit on which it is easier to shoe or just sit and relax.