90-Day Diet of Separate Nutrition

Today, many experts dispute the principles of separate nutrition, however, diets that are based on such principles do not decrease the number of fans: it has proved its effectiveness for a long time already. Particularly in demand 90-day diet of separate nutrition , which helps get rid of a very large amount of excess weight - up to 25 kilograms. Of course, the more you have excess weight, the more you will throw off.

Diet "90 days of separate nutrition"

One of the most important features of the 90-day split diet is that it does not slow down the metabolism. All food is built on cycles, which are repeated every 5 days, and every 29 days - unloading. This is a rather complicated system, and only those who are well organized and disciplined can lose weight, and also do not see any difficulties in keeping a calendar and carefully monitoring their food without giving themselves any indulgences. But when all conditions are met, the result is guaranteed!

So, a 90-day diet of separate nutrition requires the following conditions:

  1. Food - strictly at least 3 times a day, while you can not skip breakfast.
  2. Breakfast is strictly until 12.00.
  3. Supper should be no later than 20.00.
  4. In a day you need to drink 8 glasses of water (2 liters).
  5. You can eat by any portions, but overeat up to the feeling of heaviness in the stomach - in no event!
  6. Alcohol is strictly prohibited throughout the diet.
  7. The intake of any juice is equated to a separate meal. Those. or juice, or food.
  8. If for some reason you broke off - just continue with the missed day.
  9. On a protein day, the interval between meals should be at least 4 hours.
  10. In the starch and carbohydrate days, the interval between meals is 3 hours.
  11. In the fruit day, the interval can be minimal - only 2 hours.

This separate diet for 90 days is very popular, despite the fact that its rules are quite strict. Many find this a plus: such a framework allows you to simultaneously bring up character and willpower.

Separate diet menu

Consider the menu of this diet, along with all its features. Breakfast for the whole time will be the same: either 2 any fruit, or 1 cup of berry . This breakfast can be complemented with any nuts. In the rest the diet depends on the day. Their varieties.

Protein day

On this day for lunch, it is supposed to eat meat, poultry or fish cooked without using oil and fat, with a garnish of fresh or stewed vegetables. Instead of meat you can eat a couple of eggs or cottage cheese. In addition, drink a mug of broth with 1 slice of bread. Note: this is the only day when dairy products are allowed! It is impossible for one meal to have different protein - and kefir, and meat, for example.

For dinner, eat the same as for lunch, but exactly one-half less.

Starch day

Beans, peas, lentils, rice or potatoes, a slice of bread, a vegetable salad are suitable for lunch. At dinner, eat the same, but half less.

Carbohydrate Day

For lunch, you can eat pasta with sauce, pizza or stewed vegetables. Add to this without yeast baking. Dinner on this day is festive: a little ice cream or a cake and a strip of bitter chocolate. Or a serving of pizza.

Vitamin Day

On this day for lunch it is supposed to eat fruits in all kinds, baked apples, compotes, fruit salads and mashed potatoes. Plus add 100 grams of nuts (half a glass) to this.

A 90-day diet of separate food helps not to deny yourself in favorite dishes, but the measure in everything you need to know. If you comply with all the prescriptions, you will slowly, but surely lose pounds.