New Year's cakes

Many families do not imagine a winter holiday without cakes for the New Year. Therefore, the following recipes for New Year's cakes, suitable for those who can safely hold master classes in cooking and for those who just think about how to make a New Year's cake.

Cake "New Year"

This is a recipe for a delicious cake for the New Year with cakes made of sand and puff pastry and a layer of sour cream, custard and oil cream.


For layered cakes:

For sand cakes:

For cream:

To decorate New Year's cakes with this recipe you can use everything, on which there is enough imagination - merengue, caramel, colorful jelly, grated chocolate, etc.


We make sandy cakes. To do this, rub on the grater butter, add 2 yolks and grind. Next, add sugar, salt, vanillin to the mixture and mix. Now go to sleep and mix again. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and baking powder for the dough and add to our mixture. We knead the dough, give it a round shape and put it for 1 hour in the fridge (it's interesting that such a dough can be used within a week). After an hour we take the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 4 equal parts. On an oiled sheet of parchment, roll each piece into a flat cake, covering the dough with a food film. Since the cakes are fragile and thin, we shift them carefully onto a baking tray along with a sheet of paper. Bake for 5-10 minutes in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C. Cut the edges of the finished cake immediately, while it is still hot.

Next, cook from the finished puff pastry three cakes according to the instructions on the package with the dough.

We make a cream. Spread sour cream, protein, sugar, starch and vanillin in a saucepan, mix well and boil, stirring constantly, in a water bath until thick. While the custard is cooling, beat the softened butter. When the mixture in the saucepan has cooled, add it to the spoon in the oil and continue to whisk.

When all parts of the cake are ready, we collect it, beginning with the chocolate cake. We alternate the corn, evenly lubricating the cream. When the cake is collected, decorate it with fruits and meringues. Ready cake should be held in the refrigerator for 1 hour to impregnate.

Cheesecake with Peaches

We all are looking for recipes for New Year's cakes easier, so you do not have to bother with their cooking and New Year's decorations for a long time. The recipe for this cake is exactly the same, it does not even need a stove!



It is better to make this cake in a disassembled form, because it will be problematic to get it from the usual. We take 15 g of gelatin and leave to swell in water, as indicated on the packaging for half an hour. We merge the syrup from the peaches and soak the remaining gelatin in it. Next, make a cookie crumb, mixed with softened butter and mix well. We spread this mass, properly ramming, to the bottom of the mold. We put the form in the fridge and start working with the cottage cheese. Swelled gelatin in the water is stirred and put on the fire, heated until it is completely dissolved (you do not need to boil it). Whisk the cream, sugar and vanillin until the sugar dissolves, add cottage cheese and mix well. In the resulting homogeneous mass, add cooled gelatin. We take the form and fill it with cottage cheese cream. Next, put our cheesecake in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Gelatine in the syrup is also put on the fire and dissolved, not leading to a boil. We also let it cool down. After a couple of hours, when the cheesecake stiffens, put the peaches cut into slices and fill it with gelatin syrup. After the cake you need to put it in the refrigerator again for 2-3 hours.

Delicious cakes to you for the New Year and a happy holiday!