Empty fetal egg

Sometimes it happens that the long-awaited two stripes on the test please not for long - the doctor diagnoses you have an empty fetal egg. In other words, this phenomenon is called anembrional pregnancy .

This means that pregnancy has occurred, and there is no embryo, its development does not occur. Only the fetal egg and surrounding tissues grow, but sooner or later it will end with miscarriage. Usually a miscarriage happens not later than the end of the first trimester - that is, before the 12th week of pregnancy.

At the same time, the woman does not have any symptoms and signs of an empty fetal egg, because she senses everything that is normal pregnancy: nausea, drowsiness, fatigue. She stops monthly, swells up her breast, and the test shows pregnancy. Unfortunately, this all will not last long - even if you do not interfere with the process, the body will soon be able to tear off the empty shell.

The absence of an embryo in the fetal egg on ultrasound is diagnosed. At the same time before 6-7 weeks to see the embryo is impossible because of its tiny size. But already at week 7 the doctor should find it, as well as his heartbeat. If this is not the case, the probability of anembrional pregnancy is high.

If the diagnosis of an empty fetal egg is confirmed by several ultrasound from different specialists and with a difference of about a week, then there is no need to wait for a spontaneous resolution of the situation. This is very difficult, both psychologically and physically not useful. Therefore, women with this problem are "cleansed" under general anesthesia.

After this, do not rush to a new pregnancy. Let your body recover after such a shock and interference. You need to wait at least six months, then try again.

Empty Fruit Egg - Causes

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, they are not fully understood. Probably, the existing genetic disorders played their role here spouses, broken hormonal background, infectious disease.

To know more about the causes, it is necessary to pass a survey: to pass the analysis for infection, to conduct a study of the karyotype of both partners, the man - to pass a spermogram . Also helps to get a histological examination of the material after scraping.

If the spouses do not have chromosomal diseases, there is every chance of a successful re-pregnancy. Probably, there was an unexplained genetic malfunction, but this will not happen again. Therefore, plan children safely, without forgetting to consult with a competent specialist.