Pain with menstrual causes

Regular and painless menstruation is the first sign of excellent female health. Unfortunately, only a very small part of the fair sex can boast of the absence of pain and discomfort sensations during menstruation.

Some girls, on the other hand, fear with fear the onset of another menstruation, since it is necessarily accompanied by intense pains that significantly darken life and do not let you calmly practice your usual affairs. Such a condition has a special medical name - algomenorea, and can be both congenital and acquired pathology. In this article, we will tell you what causes the pain in the case of menstruation, and when it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Why there are pains with menstruation?

Causes that cause pain during menstruation, as well as after them, there is quite a lot. Depending on the age of the representative of the fair sex and the state of her reproductive system, they can vary significantly. In particular, the painful sensations in adolescent girls are a sign of primary algomenorrhea, which in most cases proves to be caused by innate causes, for example, such as:

In addition, most girls who have only met with menstruation, there are pains of average intensity associated with changes in the hormonal background. Normally, after 2-3 years the situation is normalized, the menstrual cycle becomes regular, and the pains pass independently. Nevertheless, some girls continue to suffer during menstruation and a few years after their onset.

Women of reproductive age often experience unusually severe pain on the first day of menstruation, the reasons for which usually lie in the following:

In the case of active development of the inflammatory process of the female reproductive system, pain usually continues after the menstrual system, however, its intensity may decrease somewhat.

Certainly, for some girls and women, painful feelings with menstruation are a variant of the norm, which you just have to accept. At the same time, often such pain is a signal of the female body about serious unhappiness. Consult a doctor immediately if: