Buckwheat with yogurt for weight loss

Buckwheat-kefir diet is known to all dieticians for its practicality, speed and simplicity. But is it really so? Let's try to figure it out.

Useful properties of ingredients

Scientists have confirmed that buckwheat filled with kefir for weight loss is really the thing, because this dish restores the balance of microelements in the body, cleans it of toxins and restores the digestive system.

Separately, both buckwheat and yogurt are very useful for the body. Despite the fact that buckwheat is quite nutritious and it contains proteins and vitamins, fast weight loss on buckwheat is ensured! Kefir, in turn, is able to stop the process of putrefaction in the intestine, improve liver function and provide the body with the necessary vitamins. And most importantly its purpose is elimination of toxins. Proceeding from this, buckwheat and kefir are able to produce "general cleaning" in the body. Buckwheat "scrapes" all the dirt from the walls of the intestine, and kefir "flushes" it.

Consider with you ways how to eat buckwheat for weight loss. Buckwheat can be eaten in any quantity, but the last dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

How to cook buckwheat with yogurt

We buckw buckwheat with boiling water, drain the water, and then pour boiling water again (the proportions are as follows: 1 glass of buckwheat / 1.5 glasses of water). We leave in a saucepan, wrap it in a blanket and leave it for the night. Yes, you do not need to cook.

If you can not use "unprocessed" buckwheat groats, it is better to choose another method. Pour 0.5 cups of cereals into a saucepan and fill it with 2 glasses of water. We put it on the fire and wait until it boils. We remove it from the fire, cover it with a lid, wrap it in a towel and forget about it for about 3 hours. Buckwheat will have a freshly brewed taste, and all the useful properties of raw cereal will still be preserved in it.

Kefir is best consumed 30 minutes before or after eating. In a day we drink no more than 1 liter of 1% kefir. If the body is hard to take dry buckwheat, drink or pour it with kefir. Together with this, you can drink any non-carbonated water, green tea, black tea or coffee without sugar (not less than 1.5 liters per day). Remember: if the body does not get enough fluid, the weight reduction process will slow down!

Lose weight on buckwheat

Let's dwell on the question of whether buckwheat helps to lose weight. The main feature of mono-diet is that you can not sit on it for more than 2 weeks. But depending on the characteristics of the body and the weight that you need to lose, the process of losing weight can be completed in 5 days. Buckwheat is a low-carb product and you can not "overeat" it. In addition, it saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and fiber, which allows you to remove all the "unnecessary" from the body, including extra pounds.

Rapid weight loss on buckwheat can lead to the fact that soon you will not be able to look at this buckwheat! There are two ways out: we give up diet or make small adjustments. In buckwheat, cooked by all the rules, you can add your favorite dried fruits. Spoon of honey or a cabbage salad, a couple of unsweetened fruits, greens - all this will help you not to become depressed and continue to struggle with excess weight.

Precautionary measures

Lose weight with buckwheat and yogurt for all safety rules! If you have chronic diseases, do not get carried away with mono-diets! Otherwise, instead of the lost pounds, you will lie in the hospital and restore lost health. If you still decided to complete the diet, do not arrange a "belly holiday" and do not overeat your favorite dishes on the first day - a smaller stomach can simply not withstand such loads!