Diabetic foot treatment

Diabetic foot is a complication of diabetes mellitus , the symptoms of which are rapidly progressing, so treatment should be performed immediately. Let us consider in more detail which methods are used to treat the diabetic foot syndrome.

Treatment of diabetic foot without surgery

The treatment of the diabetic foot is performed by specialists of a narrow profile - the doctors-podiatrists. Conservative therapy is complex and includes the obligatory medical treatment for all patients (basic), as well as additional measures that are used individually according to indications.

Mandatory activities:

  1. Compensation of diabetes mellitus and immunity disorders. Regardless of the form of the underlying disease in the development of diabetic foot, the patient is transferred to insulin. Also, drugs that promote glucose uptake, and vitamin B are prescribed. Metabolic disorders are corrected.
  2. Prevention of multiple lesions of peripheral nerves (polyneuropathy), consisting of regular monitoring of sugar levels, glycolized hemoglobin, pressure and hyperlipidemia.
  3. Pediatric foot care (daily inspection and special hygiene procedures).
  4. Ensure the unloading of the foot by wearing special shoes or bandages (long unloading) or the appointment of bed rest, the use of a wheelchair or crutches (short-term unloading).

Additional activities:

  1. Treatment of diabetic foot through the use of various drugs:
  • Local treatment of ulcers and wounds of diabetic foot:
  • Surgical treatment of diabetic foot

    Depending on the form and stage of the pathological process, the following operational methods can be used:

    1. Opening of abscesses and phlegmon.
    2. Angioplasty - restoration of arterial blood supply by vascular plastic (endovascular treatment).
    3. Stenting the arteries of the lower extremities is a low-traumatic intervention, consisting in the installation of an intravascular prosthesis to restore the lumen of the artery.
    4. Autoventous bypass surgery is an operation that allows the restoration of blood flow by creating an additional branch, bypassing the affected vessels.
    5. Endarterectomy - the removal of non-renewable vessels and the flow of blood through the additional branches.
    6. Resection of necrotic parts of the foot.
    7. Amputation of part of the foot or foot - in extremely neglected cases, when there is a struggle for the life of the patient.

    Treatment of the diabetic foot with folk remedies

    Treatment of diabetic foot can be supplemented with folk methods, after consulting with a doctor. Let's consider some common methods.

    Remedy for lotions and foot trays:

    1. Grind 50 grams of eucalyptus leaves.
    2. Pour half a liter of boiling water and put in a water bath.
    3. Boil for 15 minutes.
    4. Cool, filter.
    5. Add 2 - 3 tablespoons of honey, stir.

    Treatment of yogurt:

    1. Impregnate a piece of cotton fabric or folded in several layers of gauze fresh yogurt.
    2. Apply to the affected foot and hold for a day, periodically moistening with yogurt.

    Treatment with juniper :

    1. Grind dried juniper leaves into powder.
    2. Sprinkle the affected area with affected areas.